How does the con­sul­ta­tion pro­cess work?
Un­der­stand your fer­ti­lity
Do you know your AMH level or
have you al­ready had a sper­mio­gram?
We work clo­sely with the lar­gest la­bo­ra­tory
chain in Ger­many and you can ea­sily test your
hor­mone le­vels. For men, it’s even ea­sier
with our at-home sperm test.
First con­sul­ta­tion at Fer­tilly
We pro­vide per­sonal con­sul­ta­tions over
the phone, be­cause the de­sire to have children
is al­ways a per­sonal issue. This con­sul­ta­tion is
com­ple­tely free of charge.
Clinic sel­ec­tion
We help find the right fer­ti­lity centre for you.
Whe­ther that be in Ger­many or el­se­where
in Eu­rope.
Di­gital ana­mnesis
With our new pa­tient portal, we have
di­gi­tised your ana­mnesis. This di­gital
re­cord of your me­dical history saves
you an enormous amount of time and
ef­fort du­ring your fer­ti­lity journey.
Easy ap­point­ment
In our sel­ected partner cli­nics we have ex­clu­sive
ap­point­ment con­tin­gents for our pa­ti­ents*.
We are al­ways
here for you!
We know how stressful and chal­len­ging the fer­ti­lity
journey can be, this is why we are here for you
th­roug­hout the en­tire pro­cess.
wha­tever your goal is
  • Eine fruchtbare Frau, die eine Tablette hält.

    Market leader

    We are the lar­gest pa­­tient- ori­ented plat­form for in­fer­ti­lity coun­sel­ling in Eu­rope and have al­ready ac­com­pa­nied more than 1,000 women and cou­ples on their path to a de­sired child.

  • Fertilly Expertenteam

    Ex­pert team

    Our spe­ci­ally trained pa­tient ad­vi­sors are al­ways at your side. Ha­ving ad­vised count­less pa­ti­ents on their jour­neys and with a wealth of know­ledge on the topic, they can pro­vide you with all the in­for­ma­tion you need and answer any ques­tions you may have.

  • Ein Symbol mit einem Kreisdiagramm und einem Balkendiagramm zur Darstellung der Fruchtbarkeitsstatistik.

    Partner cli­nics

    Our partner cli­nics are sel­ected for you on the basis of the ser­vices they offer, their price-per­­for­­mance ratio and pa­tient feed­back.

  • Ein Puzzleteil-Symbol auf rosa Hintergrund, das fruchtbar bedeutet.


    We are ac­tive th­roug­hout Eu­rope and in­form you about the dif­fe­rent le­gis­la­tions and tre­at­ment op­tions.


“I found the ex­ch­ange with the com­pe­tent fer­tilly staff very plea­sant.
I was then also re­com­mended the clinic that was right for me,
I was very sa­tis­fied!”

Pa­tricia & Oliver
Tre­at­ment in Berlin, Au­gust 12, 2022