  • Ta­tyana & James

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Great Ex­pe­ri­ence with Fer­tilly

    “My ex­pe­ri­ence with Fer­tilly and the fer­ti­lity center was truly 10/10. My pa­tient care ad­visor was kind, know­led­geable, and em­pa­thetic while pro­vi­ding ex­ten­sive in­for­ma­tion re­gar­ding what to ex­pect. Du­ring what can be an emo­tio­nally and phy­si­cally drai­ning pro­cess, Fertilly‘s team truly was a light!””

  • Amelia


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Be­hand­lung in Frank­furt

    A Game-Ch­anger for My Fer­ti­lity Journey

    “I was strugg­ling with in­fer­ti­lity for years, but after con­sul­ting with your team, I fi­nally got pregnant! The per­so­na­lized ap­proach and ex­pert gui­dance made a huge dif­fe­rence. I’m gra­teful for the sup­port and en­cou­ra­ge­ment th­roug­hout my journey.”

  • Emily & James

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Em­powe­ring & In­for­ma­tive Ex­pe­ri­ence

    “As a mar­ried couple, we were fee­ling over­whelmed and anxious about our fer­ti­lity op­tions. Your con­sul­ta­tion pro­vided us with a clear un­der­stan­ding of the pro­cess and helped us make an in­formed de­cision. We’re now ex­pec­ting our first child!”

  • Anna & Tony

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Düs­sel­dorf

    Hope Re­newed

    “The Düs­sel­dorf clinic was more than just a place of me­dical tre­at­ment for us. The team was so warm and sup­portive, ma­king us feel like we were not alone. With the help of Fer­tilly, we na­vi­gated our journey to pa­ren­thood. This journey was full of ups and downs, but every tear and mo­ment of hope was worth it!”

  • Jessie

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Düs­sel­dorf

    My Journey with the Clinic in Düs­sel­dorf

    “The Düs­sel­dorf clinic was more than just a place of me­dical tre­at­ment for us. The team was so warm and sup­portive, ma­king us feel like we were not alone. With the help of Fer­tilly, we na­vi­gated our journey to pa­ren­thood. This journey was full of ups and downs, but every tear and mo­ment of hope was worth it!”

  • Va­len­tina & Stefan

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Kassel

    A Fa­mily Found

    “In the clinic in Kassel, we not only re­ceived me­dical tre­at­ment but also found a fa­mily. The team was so em­pa­thetic and sup­ported us every step of the way. With the help of Fer­tilly, we rea­lized our grea­test dream. Now we are over­joyed par­ents and couldn’t be more gra­teful!”


  • Hannah & Lukas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ham­burg

    Fin­ding Light in Dark­ness

    “The clinic in Ham­burg not only helped us me­di­cally but also sup­ported us emo­tio­nally. The team was so warm-he­arted and made us feel like we were not alone. With the sup­port of Fer­tilly, we rea­lized our dream of ha­ving a fa­mily. This journey was not easy, but every tear and mo­ment of hope was worth it!”

  • Laura & Jonas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Emo­tional Sup­port

    “The Berlin clinic pro­vided us with so much sup­port on our emo­tional journey to pa­ren­thood. The team was not only pro­fes­sional but also em­pa­thetic and un­der­stan­ding. With the help of Fer­tilly, we felt safe and con­fi­dent. Our fa­mily is now com­plete, and we are so gra­teful for it!”

  • Mag­da­lena & Mi­chael

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Stutt­gart

    A Journey of Hope

    “Our journey to pa­ren­thood led us to the clinic in Stutt­gart, and we were not di­s­ap­pointed! The team there was not only com­pe­tent but also so warm and em­pa­thetic. Thanks to their help and the sup­port of Fer­tilly, we felt well taken care of from the start. We owe them the ful­fill­ment of our dream of be­co­ming par­ents!”

  • So­phie


    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Cou­ra­geous Steps

    “As a single mo­ther, I felt in­stantly wel­comed at the clinic in Bonn. The team was so sup­portive and helped me over­come my fears. Espe­ci­ally the gui­dance from Fer­tilly gave me a lot of cou­rage. Now I’m here, with my little mi­racle, and I couldn’t be hap­pier!”

  • Lisa & An­dreas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Ex­cel­lent Me­dical Care

    “In Berlin we ex­pe­ri­enced a com­bi­na­tion of ex­cel­lent me­dical care and human warmth.”

  • Maren & Oliver

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Spe­cial Journey to Pa­ren­thood

    “The in­di­vi­dual sup­port and com­mit­ment of the team in Bonn, tog­e­ther with Fer­til­ly’s ex­per­tise, made our journey to pa­ren­thood spe­cial.”

  • Ca­rolin & Martin

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Be­hand­lung in Frank­furt

    Our Ex­pec­ta­tions have been Ex­ceeded

    “We found a clinic in Frank­furt that ex­ceeded our ex­pec­ta­tions. The team, sup­ported by Fer­tilly, was very at­tuned to our needs.”

  • Nina & Flo­rian

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Re­coun­ting our Journey at the Berlin Clinic with Fer­tilly

    “The clinic in Berlin pro­vided ex­cel­lent me­dical care, and the col­la­bo­ra­tion with Fer­tilly was a key ele­ment of our suc­cess.”

  • Elena & Simon

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Stutt­gart

    Pro­fes­sional Warmth and Great Sup­port

    “Stutt­gart im­pressed us with its pro­fes­sional but warm ap­proach. Fer­til­ly’s sup­port was ir­re­placeable at every stage of our trip.”

  • Clara & To­bias

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Kassel

    Ex­cep­tional Care in Kassel

    “We ex­pe­ri­enced ex­cep­tional care in Kassel. The clinic and Fer­tilly formed a per­fect team that guided us th­rough this chal­len­ging time.”

  • Mia & Felix

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ulm

    Ca­ring Team in Ulm

    “Ulm of­fered us com­pre­hen­sive, ca­ring tre­at­ment. The de­di­cated clinic team and Fer­til­ly’s em­pa­thetic sup­port gave us new hope.”

  • Emma & Lukas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ham­burg

    Our Suc­cessful Journey in Ham­burg

    “The com­bi­na­tion of me­dical care and per­sonal ap­proach in Ham­burg was im­pres­sive. Fer­tilly pro­vided us with ex­cel­lent sup­port on this com­plex journey.”

  • Ka­tha­rina & Max

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Han­nover

    Ex­cep­tional Fer­ti­lity Journey in Ha­nover

    “Ha­nover of­fered us a tho­roughly po­si­tive ex­pe­ri­ence. The clinic was ex­cel­lent, the team com­pe­tent and em­pa­thetic. Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice was inva­luable.”

  • Ni­cole & Alex­ander

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bie­le­feld

    From Dream to Rea­lity: Our Journey to Pa­ren­thood

    “The ex­cep­tional care  in Bie­le­feld played a cru­cial role in our journey. We were im­pressed by the ex­per­tise of the doc­tors, the warm and sup­portive staff, and the use of cu­t­­ting-edge tech­no­logy. This ca­ring and pro­fes­sional en­vi­ron­ment con­tri­buted si­gni­fi­cantly to the birth of our he­althy baby, and we are fo­rever gra­teful.”

  • Marie and Jan

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Be­hand­lung in Frank­furt

    A Light in Frank­furt: Fin­ding Hope and Sup­port on our Journey

    “In Frank­furt, we fi­nally found the clinic that met our needs. The team was very em­pa­thetic and Fer­til­ly’s sup­port was in­dis­pensable du­ring this time.”

  • Lena & Mi­chael

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Stutt­gart

    Dis­co­ve­ring Me­dical Ex­cel­lence and Warm Hos­pi­ta­lity

    “In Stutt­gart we found not only me­dical ex­cel­lence, but also a warm, wel­co­ming at­mo­sphere. Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice was an im­portant part of our journey and we are very gra­teful for it.”

  • Anna & David

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Our Journey to Pa­ren­thood

    “Our tre­at­ment in Berlin was of high qua­lity. The mo­dern clinic and fri­endly staff, cou­pled with Fer­til­ly’s ex­per­tise, were inva­luable on our journey to pa­ren­thood.”

  • Anna & David

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Where Ex­per­tise & Care helped us build our Fa­mily

    “Our tre­at­ment in Berlin was of high qua­lity. The mo­dern clinic and fri­endly staff, cou­pled with Fer­til­ly’s ex­per­tise, were inva­luable on our journey to pa­ren­thood.”

  • Sarah & Tom

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Nur­tu­ring Paths to Pa­ren­thood

    “The fer­ti­lity clinic in Ham­burg of­fered us ex­cel­lent care. The em­pa­thetic sup­port and pro­fes­sional gui­dance from Fer­tilly were cru­cial for our path to pa­ren­thood.”

  • Julia & Markus

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Soon we will be par­ents!

    “In Bonn we fi­nally found the un­der­stan­ding and ex­per­tise we were loo­king for. The team was em­pa­thetic and Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice was inva­luable. Our dream of ha­ving a child fi­nally came true.”

  • Me­lissa & Chris­to­pher

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Im­pres­sive Me­dical Care and Per­so­na­lized Sup­port

    “The me­dical care and per­sonal ap­proach in Nurem­berg were im­pres­sive. We felt well in­formed and sup­ported at all times. Fer­tilly pro­vided us with ex­cel­lent sup­port on this com­plex journey and was al­ways at our side.”

  • Jess & Matthew

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Han­nover

    Journey of Joy in Ha­nover

    “Our ex­pe­ri­ence in Ha­nover was con­sis­t­ently po­si­tive. The clinic was ex­cel­lently equipped and the team was ex­tre­mely know­led­geable and em­pa­thetic. Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice and sup­port was inva­luable and made a huge dif­fe­rence.”

  • Emily



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Be­hand­lung in Bonn

    Fer­til­ly’s In­te­gral Role in Our Suc­cessful Tre­at­ment Journey at the Clinic in Bonn

    “My clinic in Bonn pro­vided ex­cel­lent care. Every de­tail was taken care of and the staff were very ca­ring. Fer­tilly played a key role in our tre­at­ment pro­cess and con­tri­buted si­gni­fi­cantly to my suc­cess.”

  • Maya & Jenny

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Be­hand­lung in Frank­furt

    Fin­ding Hope in Frank­furt

    “In Frank­furt we fi­nally found a clinic that met our needs. The team was very un­der­stan­ding and hel­pful. Fer­til­ly’s sup­port was in­dis­pensable for us du­ring this dif­fi­cult time.”

  • Con­s­tance & Maria

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ham­burg

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    “The tre­at­ment in Ham­burg was a very po­si­tive ex­pe­ri­ence. We felt that we were taken se­riously and in good hands. The com­bi­na­tion of pro­fes­sional me­dical care and em­pa­thetic sup­port from Fer­tilly was cru­cial to our suc­cess.”

  • Tess & Adrian

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Be­hand­lung in Düs­sel­dorf

    Ex­cep­tional Care and Sup­port

    “The con­sul­ta­tion and tre­at­ment in Düs­sel­dorf ex­ceeded our ex­pec­ta­tions. Every step was carefully ex­plained and the team was in­cre­dibly sup­portive. Thanks to Fer­tilly and the clinic, we are a big step closer to our dream.”

  • Jenny

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bo­cholt

    Warmth, Ex­per­tise, and Sup­port on Our Path to Pa­ren­thood

    “We im­me­dia­tely felt at home in Stutt­gart. The me­dical care was ex­cel­lent and the at­mo­sphere in the clinic was very plea­sant. Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice was an im­portant part of our journey and we re­ally app­re­ciate the help.”

  • Lucy & Rohan

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    A Journey of Ex­cep­tional Care in Berlin

    “Our ex­pe­ri­ence in Berlin was out­stan­ding. The clinic was mo­dern and the staff ex­tre­mely fri­endly. Fer­tilly sup­ported us enorm­ously with ex­per­tise and care along the way. We are gra­teful for the en­cou­ra­ging sup­port and suc­cessful tre­at­ment.”

  • Isa­bella & Henry

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ulm

    The Art of Com­pas­sio­nate Care

    “We were im­pressed by the fer­ti­lity clinic in Ham­burg. De­spite the emo­tional chal­lenges, we felt well looked after. Thanks to the pro­fes­sional sup­port and em­pa­thetic care pro­vided by the Fer­tilly team, we are now well on our way to be­co­ming par­ents.”

  • Amelia & Ge­orge

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Be­hand­lung in Bad Münder

    Be­hand­lung in Mün­chen

    Dreams Come True!

    “After years of at­tempts and di­s­ap­point­ments, the tre­at­ment in Mu­nich fi­nally led to suc­cess. The doc­tors were em­pa­thetic and com­pe­tent, and Fer­til­ly’s ad­vice was ir­re­placeable. Our dream of ha­ving our own child has come true!”

  • Va­len­tina


    So­cial Free­zing

    Be­hand­lung in Ita­lien

    Thankful for the Help at Fer­tilly!

    “The team at the clinic was won­derful. Thanks to Fer­til­ly’s sup­port, I was able to com­plete the pro­cess suc­cessfully”.

  • Jen­nifer & Mi­chael

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    A Re­mar­kable Journey with Fer­tilly

    “Fer­tilly has ex­ceeded all our ex­pec­ta­tions, and then some! From the pa­tient care ad­visor to the chosen clinic, nurses, and doc­tors — ever­yone was warm, kind, in­for­ma­tive, and com­mu­ni­ca­tive and dis­played the ut­most pro­fes­sio­na­lism. The whole ex­pe­ri­ence was ama­zing and the at­ten­tion given to each pa­tient made it clear how much the team at Fer­tilly truly cared.”

  • Linda


    So­cial Free­zing

    Be­hand­lung in Stutt­gart

    Thank you for the Ex­pert Gui­dance!

    “Com­pe­tent ad­vice and clear in­for­ma­tion about so­cial free­zing. I felt I was in good hands and am happy with my de­cision to freeze”.

  • Pa­trick & Katja

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Bie­le­feld

    The Joy of Our Gro­wing Fa­mily

    “Du­ring both pregnan­cies, I felt en­ti­rely com­for­table and ex­cep­tio­nally well-sup­­ported by Fer­tilly. Even in more cri­tical mo­ments, the team re­mained pro­fes­sional yet em­pa­thetic, ta­king the ne­ces­sary time for our con­cerns. This whole ex­pe­ri­ence cou­pled with Fertilly‘s inva­luable sup­port, truly shaped our journey. The team not only helped us na­vi­gate the flood of in­for­ma­tion but also stood by us th­rough emo­tional chal­lenges until the tre­at­ment began. I would who­le­he­ar­tedly re­com­mend the Fer­tilly team for their un­wa­ve­ring com­mit­ment to our well-being and suc­cessful out­comes!”

  • An­ge­lika & Sarah

    Les­bian Couple


    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Our Mi­racle Journey in Berlin

    “After suc­cessful IVF journey with sperm do­na­tion in Berlin, we can proudly say our dreams of pa­ren­thood have come true. From the very be­gin­ning, we were met with a sen­si­tive and un­der­stan­ding in­itial con­sul­ta­tion that set the tone for our en­tire ex­pe­ri­ence. The quick and ef­fi­cient re­ferral to the fer­ti­lity clinic was a cru­cial step that ex­pe­dited our journey. Today, we hold our mi­racle child in our arms, a tes­ta­ment to the com­pas­sio­nate care and ex­per­tise we found at Fer­tilly.”

  • Sonja & Martin

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Berlin

    Great contact person th­roug­hout the en­tire tre­at­ment pro­cess

    “Fertilly‘s sup­port took a lot of pres­sure off us, and we are very gra­teful for the com­pe­tent help with com­pli­cated ques­tions.”

  • Emilia & Dennis

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Hagen

    Many thanks for the op­por­tu­nity

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, The ap­point­ment in Hagen went very well. The doctor who con­ducted the con­sul­ta­tion ans­wered all my ques­tions and was very open. For ex­ample, I was also in­tro­duced to low-dose pro­ce­dures (with re­gard to the amount and dose of hor­mone pre­pa­ra­tions used), which I had not been aware of be­fore. In an­o­ther clinic, where I had or­ga­nised an ap­point­ment be­fore I cont­acted you, these pro­ce­dures and op­tions were not men­tioned at all. So I am very glad to have had the op­por­tu­nity to talk in Hagen about Fer­tilly, as I de­fi­ni­tely felt more com­for­table there. Best re­gards and thanks again for your sup­port!”

  • Franka & Tom

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Mu­nich

    Our ex­pe­ri­ence with Fer­tilly

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, when I first started thin­king about fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment, Fer­tilly helped me to cope with the flood of in­for­ma­tion on the sub­ject and not be put off by it. Of course, the journey to pa­ren­thood was still emo­tional and chal­len­ging for me and my partner, but with Fer­tilly we had a strong partner by our side the whole time, with whom we were able to over­come all the hurdles until I started tre­at­ment. If you are in a si­milar si­tua­tion, I can only re­com­mend you to contact Fer­tilly as well!”

  • Linda

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    Very com­pe­tent ad­vice

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I felt re­ally well looked after with you. I had in­for­ma­tion from va­rious sources and was a bit over­whelmed, but you were able to bring light into the dark­ness and ex­plain so­cial free­zing to me in the best pos­sible way. Now I know about it and I am very happy that I made the de­cision to freeze. I am a bit ner­vous about starting my tre­at­ment, but now I know what to ex­pect. Thank you!”

  • Christin & Peter

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    We are par­ents

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, today it has hap­pened — our fa­mily has grown by one person. Ho­nestly, you are one of the main re­asons that it has hap­pened today. Thank you for your sup­port, your in­for­ma­tion was re­ally worth its weight in gold.”

  • Va­len­tina

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Italy

    Big thank you

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I have fi­nished my So­cial Free­zing! I have to say that the people at the clinic were re­ally won­derful, each and every one of them, until the end of my tre­at­ment. Thank you so much for your sup­port. Ho­nestly, wi­t­hout you I pro­bably would never have started this pro­cess.”

  • An­ge­lika & Sarah

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Our mi­racle came true

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, a few days after my punc­ture we had a po­si­tive pregnancy test in our hands for the first time! We couldn’t re­ally be­lieve it. Now our child saw the light of day on 04.06.2023 at 18:03 with 55 cm and 3300g. We would like to thank you once again for the very nice, in­for­ma­tive and sen­si­tive in­itial con­sul­ta­tion. Of course, thank you also for the quick re­ferral to the fer­ti­lity clinic! Our mi­racle came true and tog­e­ther we can now look for­ward to a great fu­ture!”

  • Laura & Ma­xi­mi­lian

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Ful­filled dream

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, wi­t­hout you we would not have been able to rea­lise our dream. Our child was born he­althy on 28.05.2023 and made our hap­pi­ness com­plete. After a long frus­t­ra­ting time, your coun­sel­ling gave us the push to keep trying with help. THANK YOU!”

  • Ma­riane & Chris­tian

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    Clinic search

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, We would like to take this op­por­tu­nity to thank you for your quick help in fin­ding a new clinic. Your sup­port is re­ally unique! We have just re­ceived con­fir­ma­tion of our ap­point­ment at your partner clinic and we are re­ally loo­king for­ward to it. Thank you for ever­y­thing, you re­ally de­serve a big hug.”

  • Maria


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Hope re­kindled

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ama­zing sup­port. After a long and frus­t­ra­ting journey of my unful­filled de­sire to have children, I de­cided to take mat­ters into my own hands. You gave me hope when I al­most wanted to give up.  Now a few days ago my beau­tiful son was born and I can still hardly be­lieve my luck. Wi­t­hout you I would pro­bably never be at this point. Thank you so much for ever­y­thing you have done for me.”

  • Chiara

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Italy

    Very useful in­for­ma­tion

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, Thank you very much for the in­for­ma­tive con­ver­sa­tion! I could only find a little in­for­ma­tion about so­cial free­zing be­fore­hand, which is why the con­ver­sa­tion helped me a lot. The con­ver­sa­tion was not only in­for­ma­tive but also very fri­endly. I hope that you can help many more people in the fu­ture to find their per­sonal path when it comes to wan­ting children!”

  • To­bias & Laura

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    A new chapter

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, Thanks to you, we have re­a­ched our long-awaited goal. Yes­terday our little mi­racle was born and has ch­anged our lives in a won­derful way. We are in­fi­ni­tely gra­teful for the sen­si­tive and in­for­ma­tive in­itial con­sul­ta­tion and the smooth re­ferral to the fer­ti­lity clinic. We were on the verge of gi­ving up but you helped us to start a new chapter in our lives. Thank you again for your kind­ness and va­luable help! As a now small fa­mily, we will never forget it.”

  • Nina



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Hagen

    Get­ting the ball rol­ling

    “After suc­cessful in­se­mi­na­tion I am now 14 weeks pregnant. My journey started with you guys, you got the ball rol­ling.”

  • So­phia & Emma

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    Our wish of ha­ving a child came true

    “After a suc­cessful ICSI tre­at­ment ab­road, we were fi­nally able to hold our child in our arms. You were there for us in word and deed and al­ways gave us the fee­ling that we were not alone. Many, many thanks for your kind­ness and your va­luable sup­port! We still can’t be­lieve that our wish to have a child has come true.”

  • Louise & Phillip

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Switz­er­land

    The right words

    After my first call with Fer­tilly, I felt very en­cou­raged. I re­ceived a lot of in­for­ma­tion about tre­at­ments, but above all my contact person used very sen­si­tive words to de­scribe my fer­ti­lity pro­blems. Right from the be­gin­ning, we started tal­king about so­lu­tions and tog­e­ther we iden­ti­fied the clinic that was right for us. Those de­li­cate words gave us hope for our path and this was just what we needed. We started our tre­at­ment at a clinic re­com­mended by Fer­tilly, we are also very well cared there, and we couldn’t be hap­pier! Thank you Fer­tilly

  • Manou

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Spe­cial sup­port

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I would like to thank you for your great ser­vice!

    I felt ab­so­lutely com­for­table in the clinic you re­com­mended. The clinic made a very fri­endly, bright and mo­dern im­pres­sion from the very first mo­ment. The MFAs were ex­tre­mely fri­endly, so that one re­ally felt at ease. I also found the doctor to be plea­sant and very nice.

    A big thank you to my pa­tient ad­visor for her sup­port and spe­cial manner.”

  • Mia & Luna

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    A Dream for Two

    It’s al­ways nice hea­ring from our con­sul­tant. So far ever­y­thing is going well and on the time­line we had set! When we need to contact the clinic again for the next steps we will contact her so she can follow up with us at that stage of the journey as well. Thank you again for your help!

  • Stella


    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    Va­luable sup­port for the big­gest of dreams

    “I am in my eighth month of pregnancy and a won­derful gift is on its way: the life in­side me.

    Fer­tilly has been with me on this journey from the very first mo­ment I de­cided to em­bark on this ex­tra­or­di­nary ad­ven­ture. I was lucky en­ough to meet Fer­tilly when my partner and I de­cided to go th­rough IVF. My fer­ti­lity coun­selor helped me be­cause I was lost and then guided me to the right clinic for my needs. She was al­ways available and en­cou­raged me when I had doubts! Un­fort­u­na­tely, my partner left me a few days be­fore the the­rapy started be­cause he was never con­vinced to follow this path. He di­s­ap­peared from my life in the blink of an eye and my world fell apart. I never thought about gi­ving up, I turned my world around and con­tinued to pursue my dream more de­ter­mined than ever. My coun­selor was sen­si­tive and un­der­stan­ding, she never gave up on me du­ring all those months. Today, I live in an­ti­ci­pa­tion and I still can’t be­lieve it!

    Thank you so much to Fer­tilly for your inva­luable sup­port!”

  • Anna


    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    The starting point for my fer­ti­lity journey

    “Fer­tilly has been with me on my journey from the very first steps, from the mo­ment I de­cided to jump into this ex­tra­or­di­nary ad­ven­ture. The Fer­tilly team helped me choose the right clinic ac­cor­ding to my needs. My contact person was al­ways available and en­cou­raged me when­ever I had doubts! Shortly be­fore pro­cee­ding with the pro­cess, the re­la­ti­onship with my partner ended. Ho­wever, I de­cided to con­tinue pur­suing my dream and here I am in my eighth month of pregnancy with a won­derful gift on the way!
    The Fer­tilly team was sen­sible and em­pa­thetic, I never felt alone du­ring these months.
    Thank you so much Fer­tilly for your in­e­sti­mable sup­port!”

  • Sara & An­tonio

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    The lucky tree!

    “I am wri­ting this email to tell you good news, the pregnancy is going well and we are ex­tre­mely happy, at times still in dis­be­lief. Thank you so much for your sup­port and gui­dance. Du­ring the cam­paign to ch­ange the name/logo of your site, I had voted for the name ““ma­gnolia””, I dis­co­vered its mea­ning on the in­ternet and I de­cided at the time to plant a tree in my garden. It brought me luck. Every time I look at it, I think of you and the ad­ven­ture we are li­ving.

    Thank you for ever­y­thing!”

  • Isa­belle

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Han­nover

    Al­ways in very good hands

    “Dear Fer­tilly team,

    I would like to thank you for your at­ten­tive and kind care and praise for your work. I have al­ways felt very well taken care of in the con­sul­ta­tion! My di­rect contact was al­ways available very quickly, al­ways had an open ear and thus gave me a good fee­ling. I can only re­com­mend you guys!”

  • Maria & Hugo

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    The birth of a dream

    “Dear Fer­tilly team,
    On No­vember 27 our beau­tiful baby was born, and we are both doing very well.
    It has been a long and win­ding road, but we have fi­nally rea­lised our dream.
    Thank you for ever­y­thing you have done for us!”

  • Eli­sa­beth

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Hel­pful sup­port

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    In Au­gust I started my first IVF attempt…And today I am in my 16th week of pregnancy! I felt com­ple­tely com­for­table and in good hands in the clinic from the very be­gin­ning. Wi­t­hout ex­cep­tion, ever­yone was al­ways very nice and em­pa­thetic. If I had any ques­tions, I al­ways re­ceived a call back very promptly. Du­ring the sti­mu­la­tion, the coor­di­na­tion with my gyneco­lo­gist on site and the ad­jus­t­ment of the me­di­ca­tion went smoothly. Ever­y­thing was al­ways very well or­ga­nized. My gyneco­lo­gist was also very po­si­tive about the co­ope­ra­tion. For me it is/was the op­timal fer­ti­lity center! I am so happy to be able to give you this great news and thank you very much for your ad­vice and espe­ci­ally for your so hel­pful sup­port! Wi­t­hout you guys, I don’t think I would have found my way to a sui­table clinic. Thank you!!!

  • Su­sanne

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    The first big step

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    my in­itial con­sul­ta­tion with the clinic went great! I was very ner­vous be­fore, but the first big step is done. Many, many thanks again! I have made an ap­point­ment for next week to go th­rough the re­sults of the ex­ami­na­tion first. When all the re­sults are available, we will dis­cuss how to pro­ceed. The con­ver­sa­tion was re­ally great and gave me cou­rage. I re­ally want to go th­rough with ever­y­thing we dis­cussed tog­e­ther and I am re­ally loo­king for­ward to it! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for the great ad­vice and sup­port!”

  • Lau­rens & Vera

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Prague

    Per­fectly happy

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    For the world a little person, for two people the whole world. Our big­gest wish has come true — our son Paul has seen the light of day. We are over­joyed that we are fi­nally united and can enjoy our fa­mily hap­pi­ness. We would like to thank you again for your ad­vice and sup­port on our way. Wi­t­hout the clinic and your great sup­port, our little suns­hine would not exist. We felt very well taken care of and ac­com­pa­nied by you. We are very gra­teful to you that we dared to take this step thanks to your ad­vice.”

  • Laura & Caro

    Les­bian Couple

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Ama­zing sup­port

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    the last few months have been very ex­ci­ting for us, be­cause: Our fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment at the Fer­ti­lity Center worked right away and I am now 8 months pregnant! We are sure that it would never have worked out so quickly wi­t­hout your sup­port. You got the ball rol­ling for us and we would like to thank you very much for that!”

  • Fa­bi­enne


    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    Ins­a­nely happy

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I have great news!!! My tre­at­ment was suc­cessful on the first time. I am now 5 months pregnant with a baby boy. I still can’t re­ally be­lieve that it all worked out so well. Thank you all so much for your sup­port and love. I am ins­a­nely happy!”

  • Lena

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Fast & Un­com­pli­cated

    “Dear Fer­tilly team,

    in the me­an­time my tre­at­ment has ac­tually been com­pleted and ever­y­thing went well: we were able to freeze 14 eggs! The doctor was super nice and hel­pful du­ring the whole tre­at­ment. I felt to­tally com­for­table in the clinic you re­ferred me to. I’m also happy that the pro­cess went so quickly. Thank you so much for your help!”

  • Ina



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg


    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I had my first in­se­mi­na­tion mid-July and am curr­ently pregnant, but not yet past the “cri­tical” 12 weeks. Ever­y­thing is now fee­ling very real and I am fee­ling the re­spon­si­bi­lity of my de­cision. Alt­hough I do worry from time to time, I am also very happy. I am cer­tain, that the joy and ex­ci­te­ment about the new phase of my life out­weighs my worries. I would also like to thank you again for sup­porting me so much in the be­gin­ning and pro­vi­ding me with the ne­ces­sary in­for­ma­tion!”

  • Jo­se­fina & Bas­tian

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Ever­y­thing taken care of

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    Thank you so much for your help!!! I’ve been mea­ning to get in touch for a long time and kept for­get­ting. The ap­point­ment at the clinic was very good. The doctor ex­plained ever­y­thing very well and was very fri­endly. She gave us so much cou­rage and we just felt com­for­table. My hus­band is now ha­ving an­o­ther sper­mio­gram. If we have any fur­ther ques­tions, we will be very happy to get in touch again. I am very gra­teful that you or­ga­nised all this. Thank you!!!”

  • Elena & Pia

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Super happy

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team

    The egg re­trieval went well. Un­fort­u­na­tely, only one was de­ve­loped en­ough for me to get it on trans­fered. Thank­fully on the 26th of July my pregnancy test was po­si­tive. There de­fi­ni­tely were a few tears! Last week I went to see my gy­nae­co­lo­gist. Now I’m the proud owner of a ma­te­r­nity pass­port and the first ul­tra­sound pic­ture. We also saw the heart bea­ting very briefly, even though it was still very early. I’m now pla­guing myself with nausea, ti­red­ness and al­ready some cra­vings th­rough the first tri­mester. But I am so happy to put up with all this so our swee­theart can de­velop well. We would also like to thank you again from the bottom of our he­arts! Wi­t­hout you we wouldn’t be where we are today!”


  • Anika & Lars

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Dues­sel­dorf


    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    We are doing very well! I’m 4 months pregnant and still can’t be­lieve it.
    We are so happy that it all worked out so quickly.”


  • Ri­carda


    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg


    “ The con­ver­sa­tion was very plea­sant.
    The ex­ami­na­tion at the clinic was also per­fectly fine. I am curr­ently wai­ting for the eva­lua­tion of my blood re­sults and will have a te­le­phone con­ver­sa­tion about them in a week’s time.

    I am loo­king for­ward to staying in contact with you! Thank you very much for all your ef­forts!!!”


  • Chris­tine



    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Com­ple­tely happy

    “Dear Fer­tilly team,

    my tre­at­ment went well. I was very sa­tis­fied with the en­tire pro­cess and the care at the clinic. Thank you again for the in­for­ma­tive in­itial con­sul­ta­tion!”


  • Ve­rena

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Un­com­pli­cated ad­vice

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,
    my tre­at­ment is going well so far. The Oo­cyte coll­ec­tion is com­plete and I am very sa­tis­fied. Let’s see what the fu­ture holds.
    Thank you for the fri­endly and un­com­pli­cated ad­vice.”


  • Sarah


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Essen

    In big strides

    “Things are pro­gres­sing by leaps and bounds! I was in Berlin 2 weeks ago and felt very com­for­table at the clinic.
    I’ll start my tre­at­ment at the be­gin­ning of Oc­tober, after de­ci­ding on a donor today.
    Yes­terday I vi­sited a self-help group for the first time. I am just trying to get help whe­rever I can, just how I got it at Fer­tilly. Your un­com­pli­cated sup­port re­ally was ama­zing!”

  • Romea & Tim

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Going strong

    “I have just started the tre­at­ment in Fer­ti­lity Centre Berlin last month… first one was un­suc­cessful, but we have the next one sche­duled next week. Me and my partner are both very happy with the clinic and feel very com­for­table there.
    Many thanks for the re­com­men­da­tion!”

  • Fe­licia & Matteo

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Bo­logna

    Fri­endly & Hel­pful

    “Dear Fer­tilly, we have just booked an ap­point­ment with one of your partner cli­nics. In the me­an­while we wanted to thank you for your kind­ness and avai­la­bi­lity, which are unique cha­rac­te­ristics in your field!
    I hope to have an­o­ther chat with you, as soon as I come back from my ho­li­days. Thank you again for what you did for us.
    A huge hug! See you soon, and happy ho­li­days!”

  • Mira & Na­talia

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Be­hand­lung in Düs­sel­dorf

    Quick ap­point­ment at the clinic

    Thank you very much at this point for your help! We are very gra­teful for the quick first ap­point­ment at the clinic and are loo­king for­ward to con­ti­nuing our journey with you.


  • Tina


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    My ad­ven­ture

    “Thank you Fer­tilly! If this ad­ven­ture suc­ceeds I will send you monthly pic­tures of my belly be­cause wi­t­hout you all these steps would never have been pos­sible. I am so gra­teful to you!”

  • Lena & Bruno

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Com­pany on our journey

    “We have dis­cussed the topic of wan­ting a child a lot and would like to take the first step very soon. A year ago du­ring our talk on the phone we felt very much taken on board right from the start and would be de­lighted if you would ac­com­pany us on the rest of our journey towards ha­ving a child.”

  • Chris­tiane & Lukas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Ap­proa­ching our dream

    “Thank you for the quick and un­com­pli­cated re­ferral. If things go well, ever­y­thing will be go fast from now and the ICSI will take place in about two weeks. Fin­gers crossed! We feel very well looked after at the clinic you re­com­mended — thank you very much for stan­ding by our side in a very em­pa­thetic and thoughtful way du­ring this up­set­ting time. You are doing a fan­ta­stic job.”

  • Fran­ziska & Markus

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Sup­port in all the right mo­ments

    “Thank you very much for every single call. They al­ways came at the right mo­ment and brought me peace of mind every time. Thank you for the won­derful ex­ch­ange and espe­ci­ally lis­tening pa­ti­ently to all my con­cerns. It helps a lot!”

  • Pina

    So­cial Free­zing

    Be­hand­lung in

    First im­pres­sions

    “Here I am after a while. I had the first mee­ting with the clinic that you re­com­mended, the staff and the doctor were great. I am very happy! Thank you so much for your sup­port in the in­itial stage.”

  • Nele & Ar­thur

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    IVF / ICSI

    Be­hand­lung in Ulm

    Our journey

    “Thanks to you we found the right clinic for our­selves and our big­gest wish has fi­nally come true! Thank you very much again for the good start on our journey!”

  • Ta­tiana

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    The right step

    “You were right about ever­y­thing. I have now taken the first step towards ha­ving children, even though it will still take a little while be­fore I have them — but as soon as I do, you will be the first to know! Thank you for ever­y­thing. This is such great work you are doing — you have helped me a lot, mo­ti­vated me and given me a lot of cou­rage, thank you!”

  • Vera & Jo­hannes

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ments in Ger­many

    Happy ar­rival

    “Once again we would like to thank you for the suc­cessful me­dia­tion last year. On 05/20/2022 our little Fre­derik saw the light of day th­rough caesarean sec­tion at 30+1 weeks ge­sta­tion and we couldn’t be any hap­pier! He still has to stay in hos­pital for a little while until he is strong en­ough to come home, but he is doing very well so far. Our dream has come true and we are in­fi­ni­tely gra­teful for the kind and com­pe­tent care!

  • Li­liane


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Double the trouble with two baby boys

    “I wanted to give you a little up­date — on 6/25/2022 I be­came the proud mommy of two very hand­some boys and couldn’t be any hap­pier! We spent the first 2 weeks in the hos­pital, but were able to fi­nally come home 3 days ago. Thank you very much again for the me­dia­tion and the help for us as a little fa­mily.”

  • Sonja & Martin

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Contact for less pres­sure

    “With Fer­tilly, we had a great point of contact th­roug­hout the en­tire tre­at­ment pro­cess. Kno­wing that we could ask ques­tions and get sup­port from Fer­tilly at any time took a lot of pres­sure off of us. We al­ways felt that even with the most com­pli­cated ques­tions, our contact partner did her best to find a sui­table answer.

    Thank you for the out­stan­ding sup­port du­ring this dif­fi­cult journey!”

  • Lilly


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    My com­pa­nion

    “I am very sa­tis­fied with my overall ex­pe­ri­ence with Fer­tilly so far. My fer­tilly ad­visor re­gu­larly asks how I’m doing and if ever­y­thing is going well. For me it was espe­ci­ally im­portant that I didn’t have to take the first step alone. That has al­ready made a lot of dif­fe­rence.

    Th­rough the re­gular ex­ch­ange, it feels like I al­ways have a com­pa­nion by my side.”

  • Mar­tina


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    A huge re­lief!

    “I found Fer­tilly on the In­ternet and im­me­dia­tely ar­ranged an in­itial con­sul­ta­tion. That helped me a lot to get an over­view of the whole topic, espe­ci­ally be­cause the contact was so plea­sant. I was able to ask a lot of ques­tions and have to­pics ex­plained to me again, so my he­si­ta­tion level was much lower than in di­rect contact with a clinic.

    Af­ter­wards, I was able to book an ap­point­ment with a clinic di­rectly and did not have to put up with the usual wai­ting time — just awe­some!”

  • Ma­ri­anna & Paul

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Our little mi­ri­cale

    “We had our first tre­at­ment in Ja­nuary and we still can’t quite be­lieve our luck — but it worked! I am 17 weeks pregnant with our little boy.

    This re­ally is a mi­racle and we are in­cre­dibly gra­teful to you and the clinic. Wi­t­hout your sup­port, we would not be where we are now. We are full of hope to fi­nally hold our little boy in our arms.

    Thank you very much for the sup­port and the me­dia­tion!”

  • Kath­rine

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    The me­dia­tion was very trust­worthy and good!

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I had my first con­sul­ta­tion and it was very good. After a bit of back and forth, I now have de­cided to stay with the fer­ti­lity clinic in Berlin. The clinic seems to be the most com­pe­tent clinic re­gar­ding my IUD. In ad­di­tion, the me­dia­tion th­rough you was very trust­worthy and good, so I felt more com­for­table than with other cli­nics. Thank You!”

  • Anna

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Stutt­gart

    Many thanks for your ef­forts!

    “Thank you again for the great con­sul­ta­tion and for the bro­chures. I de­voured them right away and would like to at­tend the in­itial in­ter­view in Stutt­gart. Thank you very much for your ef­forts!”

  • Sara


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Gra­teful for all the hel­ping hands!

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I found our con­ver­sa­tion very plea­sant and in­for­ma­tive. For the time being, I have no fur­ther ques­tions. Ho­wever, if there are any ques­tions or I need your con­nec­tions to the clinic, I will be very happy to contact you again. In con­clu­sion, I am very po­si­tively en­thu­si­a­stic and also very gra­teful for all the hel­ping hands that ac­com­pany me on this path.”

  • Ra­chel and Sonja

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    She gave us hope to be­lieve in life

    “Ca­milla gave us hope to be­lieve in love and life. When we called her to tell her that we were ex­pec­ting a baby girl and wanted to name the baby after her, we couldn’t hold back the tears of emo­tion. Thank you, Ca­milla!”

  • Tabita


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    You made my dream come true

    “My ad­visor was so kind and made my dream come true on a very spe­cial day! I will be fo­rever gra­teful!”

  • Olivia and Ciro

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Czech Re­pu­blic

    Our cu­rio­sity sa­tis­fied

    “The doctor you re­com­mended to us made a very good im­pres­sion: he de­scribed ever­y­thing in great de­tail and sa­tis­fied our cu­rio­sity. Thank you for put­ting us in contact with him!”

  • Alex­ander & Mo­nica

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    You are chan­ging lives!

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I gave birth to my little prin­cess in Au­gust. And this Sa­turday I mar­ried my wife… I can’t thank you en­ough for your love and gui­dance … and now my life has turned around. You do such a great job and can ch­ange lives with your help.”

  • Pia


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Great work!

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,
    Thank you so much for your email, it simply makes me feel good and cheers me up a little! THANK YOU.
    In any case, it was a good “co­in­ci­dence” to have met your very nice col­le­ague yes­terday. It made the ex­ami­na­tion a bit more be­arable with her po­si­tive vibes.
    Once again, thank you very much for your sup­port. You are re­ally doing a great job!”

  • Me­laine & Ales­sandro

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    I was very im­pressed by your level of know­ledge

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,
    I would like to thank you again for the fri­endly and in­for­ma­tive con­sul­ta­tion. I was very im­pressed with your level of know­ledge, you had pro­found ans­wers and a good tip for al­most every ques­tion I had.
    My hus­band and I are still on the way to ori­en­ting our­selves for the next steps. Thanks to your in­for­ma­tion we have made a lot of pro­gress. Thank you very much and best re­gards.”

  • Kim

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    An in­cre­dible sup­port

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    First of all, thank you very much for the nice and very in­for­ma­tive te­le­phone con­ver­sa­tion with you! I think it’s so great what you are doing. We often feel lost and over­whelmed when it comes to the topic of wan­ting to have children and you offer women and cou­ples like us in­cre­dible sup­port, so thank you very much.”

  • Anna



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    A great or­ga­nized team that makes you feel at home

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    I had my se­cond in­se­mi­na­tion tre­at­ment in No­vember and what can I tell you, this time with suc­cess. I was and still am so over­whelmed that it re­ally worked. Now I hope that ever­y­thing stays well. I would like to thank you again for ever­y­thing. You are a great or­ga­nized team, where one can re­ally feel com­for­table. It’s great that you are part of it and a com­pa­nion for women who have chosen this path. So again a thousand thanks.….and stay he­althy.”

  • Vi­vien


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Wi­t­hout your ad­vice all this would not have been pos­sible so quickly

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, You had ar­ranged an ap­point­ment for me in Berlin in the fall of 2020. I would like to tell you that ever­y­thing went very well and I got pregnant on the first try. My daughter is now 3.5 months old.
    I wanted to thank you again, be­cause wi­t­hout your ad­vice, all this would not have been pos­sible so quickly. Thank you very much for that.”

  • Char­lotta


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    My pride and joy

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, yes­terday my he­althy daughter was born. She is my pride and joy!
    Thank you very much for re­com­men­ding and ar­ran­ging the clinic.”

  • Ca­milla

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Great that you exist

    “My con­ver­sa­tion with your ad­visor was super nice and the info I got is very hel­pful. It’s great that there is an or­ga­niza­tion like Fer­tilly!”

  • Maria


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    I would like to stay in contact

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    Yes­terday I spoke with the pa­tient coor­di­nator of the clinic I chose with you, and I want to thank you very much for in­tro­du­cing me to such a nice person. Even though I won’t be able to start tre­at­ment until this summer for work-re­lated re­asons, I want us to stay in touch, and I would love for you to join me on this journey. Thank you so much!”

  • Erika and Ni­kolas

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Italy

    We have re­gained con­fi­dence!

    “Thanks to a phone con­ver­sa­tion with our con­sul­tant, we re­gained con­fi­dence in fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments and cli­nics.
    After so many di­s­ap­point­ments, we fi­nally de­cided to go down this road again. The con­sul­tant was very com­pe­tent and un­der­stan­ding and we can’t wait to start the tre­at­ment in the clinic she re­com­mended!”

  • Sandra

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    You are great!

    “Thank you very much for the very nice con­ver­sa­tion and all the va­luable work you do! Fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments are still a topic in which we women are often un­cer­tain, also be­cause it is still not talked about much and / or it is taboo. That’s why I think it’s re­ally great what you’re doing here!”

  • Ca­ro­lina & Björn

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    We have a kid on the way!

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team,

    We have a baby on the way, the ex­pected date is in June. We are in­cre­dibly happy and also very gra­teful for your tips. We went to the clinic after your re­com­men­da­tion and it worked straight away the first time.
    Thank you so much for ever­y­thing!”

  • Emma & Conrad

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Many thanks for the ad­vice

    “I am 20 weeks pregnant. IVF worked the first time. My hus­band and I are over­joyed. Thank you so much for the con­sul­ta­tion.”

  • Clara & Alica

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    Great ad­vice, clear re­com­men­da­tion!

    “I would like to thank you very much for what you have done for me, it means a lot to me and I am glad that we will stay in touch du­ring my pregnancy. You guys gave me great ad­vice and I am very sa­tis­fied overall. I would de­fi­ni­tely re­com­mend Fer­tilly to an­yone in the same si­tua­tion as me! Thank you so much again!”

  • Ca­the­rine & Chris­tine

    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    It worked out for us

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team

    It fi­nally worked out for us. Thank you for your help, espe­ci­ally for the clinic re­com­men­da­tion. We were very sa­tis­fied with the doctor.”

  • Maike


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in San Se­bas­tian

    Your help and ad­vice

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I would like to ex­press my gra­ti­tude for your help and ad­vice in my per­sonal pro­ject of be­co­ming a mo­ther. It was al­ways a plea­sure to ex­ch­ange ideas with you. Thank you again for lis­tening and being available.”

  • Ta­mara


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    A big thanks

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, I would like to thank you for your time and ef­fort. Thank you for al­ways ha­ving an open ear, al­ways kee­ping me so sweetly in­formed and sup­porting where you can. A big thank you!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Czech Re­pu­blic

    Keep up the good work!

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, we ap­proa­ched you th­rough a re­com­men­da­tion. Today we are 10 weeks pregnant and we are kee­ping our fin­gers crossed that things con­tinue to go as well as they have been. Ever­y­thing is so won­derful and ex­ci­ting. I wish you all the best as a team. Keep up the good work!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple


    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    Very pro­fes­sional and fri­endly

    “Our con­sul­tant was very pro­fes­sional and fri­endly. Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Czech Re­pu­blic

    The clinic was a great re­com­men­da­tion

    “Hello Fer­tilly team, Thank you very much! I am now 13 weeks pregnant and it worked on the 1st try. The clinic we chose was re­ally great. Ever­yone was very nice and very pro­fes­sional. Thank you again for gi­ving me this op­por­tu­nity.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    Thank you very much

    “Ever­y­thing went well at the clinic. If the tests and clinic ap­prove, I am con­side­ring my first at­tempt in De­cember! A po­si­tive test would be a very nice 30th bir­thday pre­sent — I can’t wait!!! All the best and thank you very much, it was very plea­sant tal­king to you.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    We are over­joyed

    “We are pregnant! We are curr­ently in the 6th week pregnant, so still very fresh. We are over­joyed that it fi­nally worked out and hope that ever­y­thing will go well. A very big thanks to you, Fer­tilly!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    I am very sa­tis­fied

    “I thank you for gi­ving me your at­ten­tion. I am very sa­tis­fied with my first ap­point­ment at the clinic. Right now I still have to do some tests and then we will see how it goes. Thank you so far!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    30 & 32

    We are blown away

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, We would like to thank you once again for your sup­port and are happy to in­form you that our little mi­racle saw the light of day in De­cember. We are over­joyed and blown away by our little tre­asure. Thank you so much for ever­y­thing!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    My guar­dian angel

    “You are my guar­dian angel. Wi­t­hout you I would never have made it. Thank you so much!”


    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    Al­ready pregnant in the third month

    “Hello dear Fer­tilly team, We are now al­ready in our third month and would like to thank you for your great ad­vice and your time and ef­fort. We would never have gotten this far wi­t­hout you. We are so happy.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Suc­cessful tre­at­ment

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, I would like to in­form you that my tre­at­ment was suc­cessful and I am pregnant! My doctor could al­ready de­tect the he­art­beat. I am very happy. Thank you for ever­y­thing!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Sup­port and ad­vice

    “I was loo­king for in­for­ma­tion about as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion op­tions and stumbled across Fer­til­ly’s web­site. Im­me­dia­tely I felt com­for­table and filled out a contact form. I quickly re­ceived a re­sponse from a cus­tomer ser­vice re­pre­sen­ta­tive who was able to com­pe­tently answer all my ques­tions and pro­vide me with sup­port. I can only re­com­mend Fer­tilly to an­yone loo­king for sup­port, ad­vice or a sui­table clinic.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    We are still over­whelmed

    “Thurs­day’s ap­point­ment at the Fer­ti­lity Center was re­ally re­ally great. We are ab­so­lutely thrilled! The doctor gave us very com­pe­tent ad­vice and at the same time we felt very well taken care of emo­tio­nally. I was also ex­amined right away and ever­y­thing looks very good. If ever­y­thing goes as planned, we will soon be ready to go. We can’t be­lieve it yet and are still over­whelmed. Many thanks to you for or­ga­ni­zing an ap­point­ment for us so quickly!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Un­real but beau­tiful

    “I am re­ally sa­tis­fied. My tre­at­ment was very suc­cessful and it worked the first time. I am now 10 weeks pregnant. It’s all still kind of un­real for me but I’m in­cre­dibly happy. Thank you so much for your help!”


    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Great con­ver­sa­tions

    “Thank you so much for the great con­ver­sa­tions! I felt very com­for­table and in good hands. You were able to help me get a first over­view of this im­portant topic. Thank you very much!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Czech Re­pu­blic

    Wi­t­hout com­pli­ca­tions

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, we are pregnant and that after the 1st try! Thank you so much for your sup­port and clinic re­com­men­da­tion!”

  • ANNA


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Pregnant at last

    “I am 21 weeks pregnant! I am so happy. Lots of love!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    An ad­ven­ture

    “I would like to sin­ce­rely thank you for lis­tening to me and sup­porting me since the be­gin­ning of this not ever­yday ad­ven­ture. You took my in­itial con­fu­sion and guided me along the way, and that has helped me a lot. Thank you so much for ever­y­thing!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Thanks for the help

    “Dear fer­tilly team, your kind per­sonal lines help me a lot and I am very, very happy that you found the right fer­ti­lity clinic for me. Both my doc­tors are just great.”


    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Dort­mund

    Tog­e­ther with Fer­tilly

    “Thank you very much for the great con­ver­sa­tions. We felt very well taken care of and also agreed very quickly to con­tinue to use your help and to go the way tog­e­ther with Fer­tilly.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Fri­endly help and sup­port

    “I am so ex­cited and hope that ever­y­thing will go well. I had my pregnancy test at the end of Oc­tober. Thank you so much for all your help and sup­port. You guys were ab­so­lutely lovely and won­derful, and I could never have done this in such a calm and struc­tured way wi­t­hout your help.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    A va­luable ser­vice

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I just wanted to thank you for hel­ping me th­rough my dif­fi­cult time last week. You were ab­so­lutely ama­zing, thank you! Anyway, I am so ex­cited al­ready! I couldn’t have gotten this far wi­t­hout your help and ad­vice and the help of all the nice people you re­com­mended. You guys re­ally pro­vide such a va­luable ser­vice, and it’s ex­tra­or­di­na­rily for­t­u­nate that I found out about Fer­tilly and that you re­sponded to my mail.”

  • Linda


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    An inva­luable help

    “I am in­cre­dibly happy to have come across fertilly.com, as this portal has been an inva­luable help to me in rea­li­zing my child wish. I felt won­derfully taken care of and un­ders­tood from the very first mo­ment and my con­sul­tant is in­cre­dibly em­pa­thetic, she al­ways took time for me and was al­ways there for me even beyond the or­ga­niza­tional aspects. I can only re­com­mend her and fertilly.com to an­yone who is in a si­milar si­tua­tion as me.”




    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    I still can’t be­lieve it

    “Last night I ac­tually held a po­si­tive pregnancy test in my hand! I re­ally hope ever­y­thing goes well and there are no com­pli­ca­tions!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Thank you in­fi­ni­tely!

    “A lot has hap­pened in the short time and even though I can hardly be­lieve it: we held the po­si­tive pregnancy test in our hands last week after suc­cessful punc­ture and transfer. Pregnancy Week 6 started on Sunday and to­morrow we go to the first ul­tra­sound check. Now ever­y­thing just has to de­velop well. Thank you so much for all the help!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Our mi­racle

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, we can now hold our mi­racle in our hands: We con­ceived our son at the end of Sep­tember and are in­cre­dibly happy. We had de­cided to have IVF last year. It was an ex­ci­ting time that re­sulted in a won­derful pregnancy and now we are mom and dad. Again, thank you so much for the con­sul­ta­tions.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Czech Re­pu­blic

    Great com­mu­ni­ca­tion

    “Thank you very much for the great com­mu­ni­ca­tion and your care du­ring the whole pro­cess. Be­cause of you we found the right clinic and can re­port a po­si­tive test. The clinic is great and I am still in contact with you. We have al­ways felt very well taken care of.”

  • Tina


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    I am pregnant!

    “I just got my po­si­tive pregnancy test. Am pregnant!!! Thank you!”




    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Any­time again

    “Cont­ac­ting the Fer­tilly coun­seling center was al­ways un­com­pli­cated and pos­sible at any time. Even with last-mi­­nute ques­tions or pro­blems, a te­le­phone ap­point­ment could be made quickly, and the con­sul­ta­tions were al­ways very com­pre­hen­sive and fri­endly. I had a com­pe­tent and fri­endly coun­selor who was able to answer all my ques­tions com­pre­hen­si­vely and sa­tis­fac­to­rily. I would re­com­mend the con­sul­ta­tion to an­yone, as it is very good, espe­ci­ally for the in­itial phase, to have a com­pe­tent person who can answer all ques­tions or refer cli­nics and other people. In ad­di­tion, I re­ally like the fact that there is no ad­di­tional cost to me as a re­sult of the con­sul­ta­tion. Any­time again!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ger­many

    Un­der­stan­dable and pre­cise

    “I will soon start hor­mone tre­at­ment for as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion. My con­sul­tant in Ger­many is par­ti­cu­larly hel­pful and al­ways available. Our con­ver­sa­tions are un­der­stan­dable and pre­cise. I feel much more un­ders­tood and sup­ported now.”

  • ANJA

    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Trustful con­ver­sa­tions

    “Thank you very much for the nice and trustful con­ver­sa­tions and the quick ap­point­ment!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Italy

    I felt very com­for­table with your team

    “The last time we spoke on the phone, I re­ally app­re­ciated your at­ti­tude and it was na­tural to talk openly. I am usually a di­rect and un­fil­tered person, so I app­re­ciate that there are people like you who re­spond to all doubts and ques­tions on this sub­ject. I feel very com­for­table with your team.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Un­ob­tru­sive and hel­pful

    “My little daughter was born on 01.08! And you played a big part in it. You were my first contact and be­cause of your un­ob­tru­sive manner, which at the same time nevert­heless pointed out the next pos­sible steps, I went my way. Thank you very much for that!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    A sym­pa­thetic ear

    “I would like to give some feed­back and say thank you for your ef­forts. We had our dream child in July 2021 by ces­arean sec­tion. She is very he­althy and the love of our life. We are in­cre­dibly in love and can not yet be­lieve our luck. We wish you all the best and stay in­te­rested in the sto­ries of the people who contact you. It helped us a lot and your ad­vice gave us cou­rage. Thank you for ever­y­thing!”


    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Spain


    “Dear Fer­tilly team, I would like to thank you again for all the in­for­ma­tion you gave me, for your kind­ness and for our con­ver­sa­tions. Wi­t­hout you I would not have been able to go th­rough the thousand things one needs to know be­fore starting such a pro­cess. I highly re­com­mend you guys to all women who want to have children wi­t­hout a partner.”


    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    I am sa­tis­fied

    “I sa­tis­fac­to­rily com­pleted my first tre­at­ment in the summer and I am curr­ently doing a se­cond “round” to in­crease the sto­cking a bit more. Thank you so much for your sup­port, that made this step so much ea­sier for me.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in the Czech Re­pu­blic

    Three months pregnant

    “Ever­y­thing is going well for us. We are very happy with the clinic. So far the the­rapy has been suc­cessful, I am three months pregnant. Thank you very much for your sup­port! Best re­gards and thank you for the great ad­vice and very quick ap­point­ment. You guys re­ally did a very good job.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    Our rock in the surf

    “Thank you so much for being our “rock”!!! Son­ja’s re­liable and hel­pful manner made us de­cide to go the route of fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment in a spe­cia­lised clinic. Sonja sup­ports us com­pe­tently and em­pa­the­ti­cally and ac­com­pa­nied us th­roug­hout the en­tire time. She al­ways gives us a good fee­ling.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Co­logne

    Top care

    “Thank you very much for the nice con­ver­sa­tions. We were very pleased to have found such a good person to talk to.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Warm-he­arted and easy to un­der­stand

    “I in­iti­ally re­gis­tered with Fer­tilly and didn’t know what to ex­pect when I got the first call from Sonja (ha­ving al­ready had se­veral un­suc­cessful IUI at­tempts in Den­mark). She “pi­cked me up” in a very warm-he­arted way and ex­plained the pro­cess to me in an easy-to-un­­der­­stand way, while she was al­ways at my side as a contact person and al­ways found the right words. No matter whe­ther I needed en­cou­ra­ge­ment or sup­port, she in­tui­tively got it right and was able to re­spond to me com­ple­tely.”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Va­luable Con­ver­sa­tions

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, al­most exactly one year after my in­itial con­sul­ta­tion with the Fer­ti­lity Center, my little daughter was born in No­vember. I would like to thank you very much for your sup­port. Espe­ci­ally the con­ver­sa­tions last year helped me a lot and cle­ared all my doubts. Thank you very much, keep up the good work!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Italy

    I fi­nally felt un­ders­tood

    “Thank you so much. Our phone call was very hel­pful and tal­king to you guys re­ally eased my mind. Now I fi­nally feel un­ders­tood.”

  • ANJA


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Em­pa­thic and sen­si­tive

    “Dear Sonja, thank you so much for al­ways being my contact person on whom I can rely on. You get im­me­diate re­plies to emails and just feel com­for­table straight away be­cause of your em­pa­thetic and sen­si­tive manner, alt­hough it is ac­tually a very per­sonal and in­ti­mate sub­ject, I had no pro­blems ope­ning up to you.”


    Les­bian Couple


    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    We felt very com­for­table right away

    “Dear Sonja, thank you very much for your sup­port up to this point, we both felt very com­for­table with you right away and app­re­ciate your care very much, we would like to con­tinue on our journey with you by our side.”

  • MONA


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Twins on the way

    “Thanks to your sup­port, my dream has come true — and now I’m even ha­ving twins! My belly is al­ready starting to grow and I am over­joyed. Thank you so much for ac­com­panying me on this journey. I wish you all the best for 2022!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    I am loo­king for­ward to the next ap­point­ment

    “Dear Fer­tilly Team, I want to thank you for all the work you do to guide us on this journey. Thank you so much for our phone call, you ans­wered all my ques­tions. I look for­ward to our next ap­point­ment!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Bo­logna

    We are very happy

    “Thank you. We are very happy and can’t wait for the tre­at­ment to start! We re­ally liked the doctor and we are glad that we found the op­por­tu­nity to contact him th­rough you! Thank you so much, Fer­tilly!”


    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Va­lencia

    A new world has opened up

    “I thank the day the phone rang and you spoke to me … a new world opened up and hopes that had al­ready faded came back to life. Thank you <3”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Your me­dia­tion was worth its weight in gold

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, the ap­point­ment at the clinic was very plea­sant and in­te­res­ting. I feel very com­for­table with my doctor and am thrilled about my tre­at­ment! Thank you very much for your me­dia­tion, it was re­ally worth its weight in gold!”



    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    You are great

    “Thank you for lis­tening and for your kind ad­vice. You guys are great!”

  • Emila

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Highly re­com­mended

    “Ever­y­thing went re­ally well, great on-site sup­port, good an­aes­the­tist, no pain af­ter­wards, highly re­com­mended. Now the eggs are frozen and I don’t have to deal with them any fur­ther for now, until maybe they come into use or not, who knows. So all good. Thank you very much!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Gra­teful for your exis­tence

    “Dear Fer­tilly team, Thank you very much for the very nice and in­for­ma­tive con­ver­sa­tions. It’s nice that you guys exist so that cou­ples like us don’t feel alone when it comes to this topic. The first re­se­arch, be­fore we be­came aware of you, was very te­dious. Thank you very much for your sup­port!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    A very fri­endly contact person

    “Thank you very much for the nice con­ver­sa­tions! Our contact person was very fri­endly. We will be happy to go th­rough the next steps with you.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    The right clinic for me

    “After doing my own re­se­arch on the sub­ject of fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments in Ger­many and ab­road, I was ul­ti­m­ately at a point at which tre­at­ment would ac­tually be the right way for us among the ab­un­dance of of­fers. Then I came across “Fer­tilly” on the in­ternet and found it very hel­pful to be able to talk openly and neu­trally with com­pe­tent staff. I was then also re­com­mended to the clinic that was right for me, I was very sa­tis­fied!”

  • LISA


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in North Rhine-West­phalia

    Child­bea­ring odyssey

    “When I first be­came aware of the Fer­tilly portal, I had al­ready been th­rough a “fer­ti­lity odyssey”.

    After se­veral pregnancy losses, the se­pa­ra­tion from my partner and a failed ICSI at­tempt as a single woman, I had to start again “from scratch” at the age of 41. For­t­u­na­tely, I came across the “Fer­tilly” web­site by chance.

    A few days later I had an ap­point­ment with Jana Vor­steher, one of the pa­tient ca­rers, and was im­me­dia­tely im­pressed:

    Jana ad­vised me very com­pe­tently, em­pa­the­ti­cally and in de­tail and ul­ti­m­ately re­ferred me to a trust­worthy Spa­nish clinic. Th­roug­hout the whole pro­cess, she ac­com­pa­nied me in co­ope­ra­tion with the clinic — I could ask any ques­tions at any time and felt en­cou­raged and well looked after.

    My baby will be born in a few months– thank you so much!!!”


    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in North Rhine-West­phalia

    Many thanks

    “It is great that such in­sti­tu­tions exist and that people who want to have children are sup­ported in such an im­portant and per­sonal issue. Re­spect and thank you again!”

  • NINA


    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Plenty of time for my ques­tions

    “For se­veral years I have had an in­tense de­sire to have children, which — due to the lack of a partner — I have not yet been able to rea­lise. This year I found out that it is also pos­sible for single women to fulfil this de­sire for a child by means of as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion. At first, re­se­arch on the in­ternet didn’t pro­vide much hel­pful in­for­ma­tion, but then I came across the web­site of “Fer­tilly”.
    I filled out a contact form and just a few days later I was cont­acted by the pa­ti­ent’s carer. In a long, de­tailed con­ver­sa­tion, she took a lot of time to answer my ques­tions and gave me a very good im­pres­sion of the va­rious op­tions and legal aspects of as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion.
    She also told me about her per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ences with as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion, which I found ex­tre­mely hel­pful for the re­la­ti­onship of trust. She re­com­mended a clinic and put me in touch with one. Even in the follow-up, the pa­tient coun­sellor in­quires about cur­rent de­ve­lo­p­ments and is there to give ad­vice and sup­port.
    I am curr­ently still at the be­gin­ning of fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment, but I can say that I feel very well taken care of in the re­com­mended clinic. I can re­com­mend the de­cision to contact “Fer­tilly” to an­yone who is loo­king for in­for­ma­tion to start their per­sonal fer­ti­lity pro­ject.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Won­derful or­ga­ni­sa­tion

    “While loo­king for IVF tre­at­ments, we came across your won­derful or­ga­ni­sa­tion by chance th­rough in­ternet re­se­arch and felt very well looked after from day one. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion was smooth, cor­dial and above all fast. You re­com­mended the right clinic for our needs and what can I say… it was the best re­com­men­da­tion!!! We felt so com­for­table in the clinic — there are simply no words for that.
    After a very un­p­lea­sant ex­pe­ri­ence at the first at­tempts, and over­priced prices for un­mar­ried cou­ples, this clinic was the best thing that could have hap­pened to us.
    After only one try, we got the po­si­tive news today that it worked right on the first try. Wi­t­hout you and your help, I don’t think we would have ever got to our de­sti­na­tion so quickly.
    Thank you very much for ever­y­thing!!!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in North Rhine-West­phalia

    A sen­si­tive topic

    “We would like to thank you very much for your sup­port in this matter. It is a very sen­si­tive sub­ject and you have re­li­eved us of many worries. We are happy that the clinic you re­com­mended will come to meet us after all your ef­forts.”


    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Fri­endly, pro­fes­sional and hel­pful

    “I am very sa­tis­fied with the ser­vice. I was lucky en­ough to meet the two Janas. They were both very fri­endly, pro­fes­sional and hel­pful. Re­ally great! I re­ceived se­veral very good op­tions for the cli­nics. I de­cided on one of the partner cli­nics after many great dis­cus­sions. I have al­ready had 2 at­tempts there and am very sa­tis­fied. Thanks to you, dear Janas!
    Keep it up — it’s rare to get such a nice ser­vice.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    Un­der­stan­ding, pa­tient and warm-he­arted

    “I can warmly re­com­mend fertilly.com to an­yone who has a so far unful­filled child wish. Not only were we ad­vised com­pe­tently du­ring this so­me­what dif­fi­cult and emo­tional phase, but also with pa­ti­ence and warmth at all times. At no time was there any pres­sure to take one of the sug­gested cli­nics. Our con­sul­tant, Ms Vor­steher, was al­ways quick and re­liable in her feed­back and made num­e­rous phone calls for us to find the best clinic and ans­wered all our case-spe­cific ques­tions, for which we thank her very much.”

  • LENA

    So­cial Free­zing

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin


    “The te­le­phone con­sul­ta­tion with “Fer­tilly” was ex­tre­mely pro­fes­sional. My contact person ac­com­pa­nied me th­rough all the pro­cesses very sa­tis­fac­to­rily and was al­ways sym­pa­thetic. I was able to get in touch at any time and al­ways re­ceived re­liable ans­wers. I am happy to re­com­mend Fer­tilly to others.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in North Rhine-West­phalia

    Focus on cus­tomer in­te­rest

    “Im­pressed by the fri­endly and quick sche­du­ling of ap­point­ments, we went to the of­fices of “Fer­tilly” for our per­sonal in­itial con­sul­ta­tion. Here we re­ceived fri­endly and highly com­pe­tent ad­vice from Ms. Vor­steher (I am sure the other staff mem­bers are in no way in­fe­rior to her). This con­ver­sa­tion opened up ho­ri­zons and gave us hope again that we would be able to rea­lise our wish for a child eco­no­mic­ally. In the end, per­haps also due to the inner re­lief, we were able to achieve a pregnancy na­tu­rally, shortly after the visit to our de­sired clinic.
    Nevert­heless, it is a plea­sure to see that there are in­sti­tutes like “Fer­tilly” that do not put mo­ne­tary in­te­rests first, but the in­te­rests of the cli­ents. Thank you!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in North Rhine-West­phalia

    In search of a new clinic

    “The topic of wan­ting to have children has been with us for some time now. Un­fort­u­na­tely, we had two ne­ga­tive at­tempts and were now loo­king for a new clinic.
    This time we wanted to ap­proach the search for a new clinic in a com­ple­tely dif­fe­rent way. Ac­cor­ding to in­ternet re­se­arch, there are count­less cli­nics, so it’s easy to lose track of them all. I found out about your fer­ti­lity portal and ans­wered the short ques­tions. I was very sur­prised that you ac­tually ans­wered and called at the agreed time.
    Du­ring our te­le­phone con­ver­sa­tion I no­ticed that the person I was tal­king to, dear Ms Vor­steher, was par­ti­cu­larly well versed in the sub­ject of our wish. The do­cu­ments that were then com­piled and sent to us were very in­for­ma­tive and you ar­ranged an ap­point­ment for the first te­le­phone contact after my feed­back.
    We very much hope that our wish will come true and that we will soon be able to be­come par­ents.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    The sup­port you need

    “I am 39 years old and al­ready have a two-year-old son. Some time ago I was lucky en­ough to get pregnant again, but un­fort­u­na­tely lost my child in the 10th pregnancy week. The de­sire to have an­o­ther child was very strong, but with some risks due to our age.
    At first we were a bit over­whelmed with the of­fers on the in­ternet and didn’t know which clinic was the right one for us. With the help of “Fer­tilly” I got the sup­port I was loo­king for and all our ques­tions were ans­wered very well.
    Tog­e­ther we found a sui­table clinic for me and I am very happy with my de­cision. I would like to take this op­por­tu­nity to thank the whole team at Fer­tilly for hel­ping me to rea­lise my wish to have an­o­ther child.”

  • Ca­milla



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Spain

    It was a plea­sure

    “It was a plea­sure tal­king to you on the phone! My con­sul­tant is to­tally joyful and un­der­stan­ding, thank you so much for that! My doctor has started the first tests and I am so happy that I can start this great pro­ject now. Thank you a thousand times!”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in the Czech Re­pu­blic

    Fri­endly hel­pful­ness

    “We are a couple from Ger­many who have wanted to start a fa­mily for many years now. When doing re­se­arch on the in­ternet, we were faced with a huge amount of in­for­ma­tion about cli­nics, me­thods and re­views from other par­ents who had un­der­gone tre­at­ment there. The huge price dif­fe­rences bet­ween cli­nics for IVF tre­at­ment made us even more un­cer­tain.
    Du­ring our search, we came across the Fer­tilly web­site. The web­site of­fers free in­for­ma­tion on dif­fe­rent areas of fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment in dif­fe­rent count­ries.
    Re­ques­ting the in­for­ma­tion was very easy and un­der­stan­dable using the ques­tion button.
    We re­quested in­for­ma­tion for IVF tre­at­ment in Spain and the Czech Re­pu­blic — and we were plea­santly sur­prised. We were not just sent any leaf­lets, but we were called by a Pa­tient Care Ad­visor. It was a fri­endly and un­der­stan­ding phone call, which did me a lot of good after a mis­car­riage I had suf­fered shortly be­fore. All my ques­tions were ans­wered and it was ex­plained to me which country and which cli­nics are re­com­mended and how the pro­ce­dures works. After re­vie­wing the do­cu­ments, we de­cided on one of the partner cli­nics in Prague.
    The pa­tient ad­visor then or­ga­nised an ap­point­ment for us to phone the German-spea­king coor­di­nator of the fer­ti­lity centre. The coor­di­nator is a very fri­endly lady and has a good com­mand of written and spoken German.
    All my ques­tions were ans­wered and my con­cerns about how the pro­cess would work at a di­stance were also re­solved after the con­ver­sa­tion. After the phone call, the coor­di­nator gave us an­o­ther sum­mary of the most im­portant in­for­ma­tion, which I found very useful, as it is not pos­sible to write down or re­member ever­y­thing so quickly du­ring a phone call.
    The sen­ding of the ne­ces­sary forms and do­cu­ments to prepare for the first in­ter­view was handled by email. The pa­tient sup­port team at Fer­tilly cont­acted us after the ap­point­ment with the coor­di­nator and asked if ever­y­thing had gone well and also of­fered to or­ga­nise the first con­sul­ta­tion with the doctor. Ever­yone re­ally tries hard to help find the right fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment.
    I am re­ally glad and gra­teful that I came across the web­site of the Fer­tilly team du­ring my re­se­arch. Their fri­endly hel­pful­ness has been a great sup­port for us so far in hand­ling the ap­point­ments and dis­cus­sions with the fer­ti­lity clinic in Prague.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Baden-Würt­tem­berg

    Un­com­pli­cated help

    “For us, “Fer­tilly” is a place where we can ask all our ques­tions. We like the fact that we al­ways have the same contact person and that we get prompt feed­back. An un­com­pli­cated and un­bu­reau­cratic help in a not so easy time. Thank you for that!”


    Les­bian Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Ham­burg

    One last try

    “Ever­y­thing is going well here with the three of us. Mia is gro­wing and thri­ving and is now al­ready 6 weeks old. How time flies. After many un­suc­cessful at­tempts to start a fa­mily, we came across the web­site of “Fer­tilly” by chance. Ac­tually, we had al­ready disch­raged our child wish and it was more of a last at­tempt, which we ho­nestly didn’t be­lieve in any­more. One or two days after we re­gis­tered with “Fer­tilly”, Jana cont­acted me by phone. She took a lot of time, asked about our pre­vious path and our wishes and im­me­dia­tely showed us a new way.
    The in­itial contact was very sym­pa­thetic and it gave us new hope. In fact, after a few weeks we had an ap­point­ment and a contact person in a fer­ti­lity clinic here in Ger­many, whom Jana and the “Fer­tilly” team put us in touch with.
    Then ever­y­thing hap­pened very quickly: the first per­sonal ap­point­ment at the clinic and only 15 months later there are three of us. All the time we kept in touch with the “Fer­tilly” team and Jana was al­ways there for us as a contact person.
    We are very gra­teful to the team at “Fer­tilly” for what they have done for us and can re­com­mend “Fer­tilly” wi­t­hout ex­cep­tion.
    Wi­t­hout the team from “Fer­tilly” we would not be able to hold our little baby in our arms today. A big thank you to Jana and her team at “Fer­tilly”.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    A thousand thanks

    “A thousand thanks for your sup­port and your kind wishes. We are very gra­teful that you exist and do this work! Very dear gree­tings and all the best fur­ther­more for you.”

  • ANJA



    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Aus­tria

    Happy about all that is and all that is to come

    “I would like to get in touch with you be­fore the up­co­ming birth and thank you very much for your help. Our first phone call in July ch­anged my life and my ques­tion of mea­ning has dis­solved. Things are going well, my doctor is very kind and dis­creet. I am now in my 17th pregnancy week and ex­pec­ting a boy and a girl. I am over­whelmed with hap­pi­ness be­cause the children are he­althy as far as one can tell and I am very happy with my fa­mily and fri­ends about ever­y­thing that is and what is to come.”


    Les­bian Couple


    Sperm Do­na­tion

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    Fa­mily Hap­pi­ness

    “After 7 years of part­ner­ship, the topic of wan­ting children came more and more to the fore. The more we/I dealt with the topic, the more lost we felt in the world of fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments. My thoughts only re­volved around this one topic and the ques­tion of where does the path to my own fa­mily hap­pi­ness begin?
    Of course, you read va­rious ar­ticles and re­ports of ex­pe­ri­ences, but it was very dif­fi­cult for me to take the first step until I be­came aware of the fertilly.com web­site. It wasn’t one of those web­sites where you had to search your way th­rough. I felt un­ders­tood right from the wel­come page. I wrote to the site via WhatsApp and was im­me­dia­tely warmly wel­comed.
    Our pa­tient ad­visor Jana took my hand and went th­rough every single step with me, ans­wered all my ques­tions, quickly took away my shy­ness to talk about the topic, or­ga­nised ap­point­ments at the fer­ti­lity clinic and took away all my fears, which I will never forget. For the first time I had the fee­ling that my child wish was be­gin­ning to be­come real…At fertilly.com you are not just a woman with a de­sire to have a child, but on an equal foo­ting with the people be­hind the web­site.
    Today I am 7 months pregnant with my partner and our dream is fi­nally co­ming true. I would like to thank Jana and the Fer­tilly team from the bottom of my heart.”


    He­te­ro­se­xual Couple

    IVF / ICSI

    Tre­at­ment in Berlin

    No wai­ting times

    “After we had done some re­se­arch on the in­ternet and came across your web­site, we de­cided to write an email right away. From that mo­ment on we were looked after by Ms Vor­steher and the team.
    The sup­port was very hel­pful, re­li­e­ving and hop­eful for us. All ques­tions were ans­wered pro­fes­sio­nally and there were no wai­ting times.”