We are Fer­tilly.

We as­sist cou­ples and single women on their journey to pa­ren­thood.


Christoph Müller-Guntrum - Fertilly
Founder & Chief Exe­cu­tive Of­ficer

Chris­toph Müller-Gun­­trum

In my opi­nion, there is still far too little trans­pa­rency on the topic of unful­filled child wishes – even though the topic is highly re­le­vant to so­ciety. With our portal, we want to edu­cate and help de­stig­ma­tize this dis­cus­sion.

To that, in­fer­ti­lity is often per­ceived as a “wo­men’s issue”, alt­hough the causes of child­less­ness are roughly equally dis­tri­buted bet­ween the sexes. Espe­ci­ally among men, awa­re­ness of this is still ex­tre­mely low.

At Fer­tilly, I am re­spon­sible for pa­tient care, the ma­nage­ment of our partner cli­nics and ever­y­thing con­nected to the ex­pe­ri­ence pa­ti­ents have with us and our part­ners on the path to a ful­filled child wish.

Jan Brauer - Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Fi­nan­cial Of­ficer

Jan Brauer

Today, the path to a de­sired child is paved with forms. The coor­di­na­tion ef­fort bet­ween pa­ti­ents, fer­ti­lity cen­ters, doc­tors and la­bo­ra­to­ries un­neces­s­a­rily bur­dens ex­pec­tant par­ents.

A fer­ti­lity journey does not have to be as com­plex as buil­ding a house. With tar­geted di­gital net­wor­king and smart dia­gno­stics, we can make the journey smoother for ever­yone in­volved. And create more space for what’s im­portant.

At Fer­tilly, I take care of exactly these is­sues: The de­ve­lo­p­ment of our di­gital so­lu­tions and the in­te­gra­tion of me­dical part­ners into our of­fe­ring.

Chief Ope­ra­ting Of­ficer

Fran­cesca Sacchi

The pro­blem of in­fer­ti­lity is more pr­e­va­lent than ever be­fore, ho­wever it is still in­suf­fi­ci­ently un­ders­tood and in­fre­quently dis­cussed. Alt­hough the dif­fi­cul­ties of fal­ling pregnant na­tu­rally are wi­de­spread, it is still ra­rely talked about.

At Fer­tilly, I have ac­com­pa­nied many pa­ti­ents on their very ex­ci­ting path to pa­ren­thood, and con­tinue to do this with as much sen­si­ti­vity and pro­fes­sio­na­lism as the first pa­tient I sup­ported.

As a coun­sellor for Ita­lian pa­ti­ents, I am your point of re­fe­rence th­roug­hout the en­tire pro­cess: from first coun­sel­ling contact, where I can answer your ques­tions, cla­rify any doubts and guide you towards the path that best suits your needs. Up until hop­efully the ful­filment of your wish to have a child.

Pa­tient Care Ger­many

Eine Frau in einem grauen Pullover lächelt vor einem Kreis.

Amy Knight

Sooner or later, ha­ving a child will be a re­le­vant topic in the life of every person, espe­ci­ally women. Un­fort­u­na­tely, there is not much ge­neral in­for­ma­tion available in case the de­sire to have children is not ful­filled straight away or if it oc­curs at a later point in life. Du­ring my time working in an IVF la­bo­ra­tory, I found that pa­ti­ents were often over­whelmed and ali­en­ated from the amount of in­for­ma­tion that ac­com­pa­nies a tre­at­ment. My goal is to make the topic of IVF ac­ces­sible and un­der­stan­dable for ever­yone so that tre­at­ment can be as stress-free as pos­sible. At Fer­tilly we want to create an at­mo­sphere where you can ask any and all ques­tions, and where not­hing is taboo. I am loo­king for­ward to being able to ac­com­pany pa­ti­ents on this path!
Eine Frau in einem grünen Top mit einer Halskette vor einem Kreis.

Deria Frank

The pe­riod while dre­a­ming of a child is a very spe­cial and ex­ci­ting time. Ho­wever, the path to ha­ving a child is as unique as the in­di­vi­duals and cou­ples who have it. So­me­times fa­mily plan­ning takes a bit more than just luck and un­fort­u­na­tely, the pro­cess can take longer for many people. An unful­filled wish to have children is often as­so­ciated with a great emo­tional burden. As a hor­mone yoga te­a­cher and coach for women with hor­monal im­ba­lances, it is the­r­e­fore a matter dear to my heart to be able to sup­port you on your fer­ti­lity journey. It is very im­portant for me to re­spond to your in­di­vi­dual needs and to ad­vise you sen­si­tively, em­pa­thi­cally and, above all, pro­fes­sio­nally. I look for­ward to tal­king to you, to find out where you curr­ently are on your journey, what ques­tions you have and what the next steps on your path to a de­sired child could be.
Christina Bauer Fertilly
Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Ger­many)

Chris­tina Bauer

The de­sire to have children is one of the most na­tural wishes of all — which is why trans­pa­rent and ho­li­stic ad­vice is par­ti­cu­larly im­portant. I have dealt with this topic myself, as it came up again and again in my pri­vate life. As a so­cial pe­dagogue and sup­ported by my trai­ning as a phar­maceu­tical tech­ni­cian, I hope to pro­vide you with all the in­for­ma­tion you need to make a de­cision that is right for you.

As your pa­tient care ad­visor, I will not only com­pre­hen­si­vely ad­vise you about all pos­sible op­tions, but I will also stand by your side in dif­fi­cult si­tua­tions and can be an emo­tional sup­port th­roug­hout your journey — this is our main goal at Fer­tilly. I am very happy to give you my full at­ten­tion th­rough my work at Fer­tilly, and th­rough this be a part of edu­ca­ting and en­su­ring trans­pa­rency when it comes to wan­ting a child.

Lakeisha Schlickum (neu)
Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Ger­many)

La­k­eisha Schli­ckum

There are wishes that are com­ple­tely wi­thin our power and, un­fort­u­na­tely, many others that are more dif­fi­cult to rea­lise than hoped. Often, sadly, the de­sire to have children is one of the latter. For me, Fer­til­ly’s mis­sion to ac­com­pany you in ful­fil­ling your de­sire to have a child and to sim­plify the path to this goal is of great im­portance.

As a pa­tient care ad­visor, I re­spond to your wishes and ques­tions with a great deal of em­pathy and un­der­stan­ding, so that you don’t feel left alone in the over­load of in­for­ma­tion. With an open ear, a lot of heart and the right in­for­ma­tion, I would like to ad­vise you on your fer­ti­lity journey, in­form you about your op­tions and sup­port you from start to fi­nish.

Clara Kadukov Fertilly
Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Ger­many)

Clara Ka­dukov

Ha­ving the aspe­ra­tion to be­come a pa­rent, re­gard­less if you’d like to be­come one now, or just give yourself some more time, is the most na­tural part of life. Often in­for­ma­tion of re­pro­duc­tive he­alth and in­fer­til­lity isn’t avai­lible to those who need it the most. I look for­ward to of­fe­ring you a clear un­der­stan­ding about the op­por­tu­ni­ties you have, whe­ther it’s about starting your journey to pa­ren­thood or so­cial free­zing.

My goal at Fer­tilly is to ac­tively sup­port you in your pur­suit and to make in­for­ma­tion about al­ter­na­tive paths to pa­ren­thood more ac­ces­sible to you.
I look for­ward to hea­ring your story and sup­porting you on your journey to whats best for you.

Carla Wiedling Fertilly
Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Ger­many)

Carla Wied­ling

Your de­sire of ha­ving a child de­serves to be heard and to re­ceive at­ten­tion. It is quite normal that the topic of wan­ting children also raises un­cer­tain­ties, espe­ci­ally since it is un­fort­u­na­tely still a matter that is often not talked about freely and openly. Since it can be dif­fi­cult to face this, it is even more im­portant to have a trust­worthy and sup­portive com­pa­nion — both in­for­ma­tive and emo­tional. As a trained psy­cho­lo­gist and coun­selor, I am more than happy to ad­vise you and find an in­di­vi­dual so­lu­tion and ap­proach that is right for you. In doing so, it is espe­ci­ally im­portant to me to sup­port you as your per­sonal ad­visor in the in­for­ma­tion chaos on your per­sonal path. The most im­portant thing is that you feel com­for­table, heard and in good hands with your de­sire to have a baby. I am loo­king for­ward to your contact re­quest and to lear­ning more about you!

Pa­tient Care Italy

A portrait of a woman wearing a black shirt and a pink circle.
Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Italy)

Mar­tina Furia

My goal here at Fer­tilly is to sup­port, with pro­fes­sio­na­lity and em­pathy, all those who wish to fulfil their de­sire to be­come par­ents: from he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples to those formed by women, as well as women wi­t­hout part­ners.

In Italy the topic of re­pro­duc­tive he­alth, as well as that of in­fer­ti­lity, are very often taboo sub­jects and about which there is little in­for­ma­tion: every woman and every couple has the right to be able to know and above all cle­arly un­der­stand what op­tions are available to them.

You will the­r­e­fore find me available for every need and at your side every step of the way: I’m loo­king for­ward to mee­ting you and of­fe­ring ever­yone my sup­port du­ring this chal­len­ging journey!

Pa­tient Care Ad­visor (Italy)

Bea­trice Spano

In Italy most people still talk about in­fer­ti­lity in a very su­per­fi­cial way, as if be­co­ming par­ents were so­me­thing to take for granted. Ho­wever, ho­ping for a child and ex­pe­ri­en­cing the strug­gles of con­cei­ving can be a painful and stressful ex­pe­ri­ence. In most cases, those who find them­selves in this cir­cum­s­tance do not find the sup­port and at­ten­tion they need to em­bark on and pursue a fer­ti­lity journey. Kno­wing that they can count on pro­fes­sional and em­pa­thetic sup­port can re­ally make a dif­fe­rence, also in terms of out­comes.

Of­fe­ring sup­port at all stages of the fer­ti­lity journey and fos­te­ring the se­re­nity and awa­re­ness needed to cope with it in the best pos­sible way, is what I do at Fer­tilly. As a spe­cia­lised coun­sellor for Ita­lian pa­ti­ents and as a mid­wife, I ac­com­pany cou­ples and single women who wish to con­ceive. By of­fe­ring safe and in­formed sup­port and a space where one feels wel­come, can re­solve doubts and re­ceive per­so­na­lised in­for­ma­tion. I help pa­ti­ents over­come the sense of dis­ori­en­ta­tion that arises from dif­fi­cul­ties ob­tai­ning a com­plete pic­ture on the sub­ject of in­fer­ti­lity and its pos­sible so­lu­tions.

I am happy to walk by your side and help you find the most sui­table path to fulfil your dream.


Johanna Kohnen

Jo­hanna Kohnen

An unful­filled child wish can strike an­yone — and to this day it is still talked about far too little. That’s why I write ar­ticles for Fer­tilly that in­form cou­ples and ac­com­pany them on this path. In ad­di­tion, I want to make this topic more ac­ces­sible to the pu­blic th­rough our so­cial media chan­nels.

It took my hus­band and I three years be­fore our big wish came true. Thanks to ICSI, we are now proud par­ents and truly un­der­stand the fee­lings and per­spec­tives of cou­ples with unful­filled child wishes. An­o­ther re­ason why Fer­tilly is so im­portant to me.

Jenia Chornaya

Jenia Chor­naya

The mea­ning be­hind the work has al­ways been of great im­portance to me when choo­sing a career path. Since joi­ning Fer­tilly, I have be­come acu­tely aware of just how many people are af­fected by un­wanted child­less­ness. Fer­tilly sup­ports these in­di­vi­duals du­ring this dif­fi­cult time and it is a great fee­ling to be part of such a great team.

Step by step, I work my way th­rough the mass of in­for­ma­tion that al­ready exists on this topic, by eva­lua­ting and sum­ma­ri­sing it into an ea­sily di­ges­tible format for the reader. With my work, I hope to pro­vide an over­view of this emo­tional topic and bring rea­ders closer to ful­fil­ling their own wish to have children.

Saskia Balke

Saskia Balke-Hom­­berg

After com­ple­ting my stu­dies in li­te­ra­ture, media sci­ence and psy­cho­logy, I have pur­sued a career as a self-em­ployed on­line editor working for, amongst others, Spiegel On­line (SPON). At Fer­tilly I write me­dical and psy­cho­lo­gical ad­vice ar­ticles about fer­ti­lity, as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion and pregnancy.

Th­rough this ap­proach, I would like to ac­com­pany cou­ples on the hop­eful and beau­tiful, but also chal­len­ging journey th­rough their child wis­hing years. It is a matter close to my heart not only to im­part well-founded know­ledge, but also to sup­port cou­ples in their ex­cep­tional emo­tional si­tua­tion.

Andrea Helten

An­drea Helten

Wri­ting is my great pas­sion. I have been working in the media for over twenty years and have the pri­vi­lege of ap­p­lying my know­ledge and ex­pe­ri­ence from a wide va­riety of fields to my wri­ting. I am the author of two child­ren’s yoga books and a well-known ex­pert th­roug­hout Ger­many, espe­ci­ally in the field of pa­rent-child yoga. As a mo­ther of a teenage daughter, I know how ful­fil­ling it is to watch a child grow up. In this re­spect, I am very happy to sup­port the edi­to­rial team at Fer­tilly. I write ar­ticles in the sec­tions on as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion, hor­mones, se­xua­lity, fer­ti­lity and pregnancy that are qua­li­fied, in­for­ma­tive and sci­en­ti­fi­cally based.

In doing so, I al­ways keep the human being in mind. In this re­spect, when I write, I try to speak to the cou­ples in front of me who are em­bar­king on their journey to ful­fil­ling their long-che­rished de­sire to have children. They de­serve my re­spect and em­pathy.