What options do our partner fertility centers in Cologne offer?
At our fertility centers in Cologne, the topics of family planning and the desire to have children are covered extensively.
We at Fertilly are at your side from start to finish. Together we will find the best treatment for you and the best fertility center. It is especially important to us to create transparency and to provide easy access on the sensitive topic of assisted reproduction.
In the case of infertility, defined as an unfulfilled desire to have children despite unprotected sexual intercourse over a years time, there are various options available to you. The extent to which medical help is given depends on the infertility diagnosis and personal factors. Depending on the cause, various therapeutic measures of assisted reproduction are available:
Insemination (IUI) offers one possible approach, during this treatment sperm that are prepared in the laboratory are introduced directly into either the uterus, cervix or fallopian tube of the woman. The sperm cells then have to find their way to the fertilisable egg on their own. Alternatively, sperm and egg can be brought together in a nutrient solution in a jar during in vitro fertilization (IVF). If fertilization is successful, up to three fertilized eggs may be implanted into the patient’s uterus.
In the case of low sperm quality, an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a promising approach. In this procedure, sperm cells obtained by ejaculation or surgically from the testis or epididymis are injected directly into the female egg. As a rule, in the presented methods IVF and ICSI, a hormonal drug treatment of the woman is carried out beforehand in order to determine the exact time window of ovulation.
If the sperm quality of the man is not sufficient, a sperm donation can help (heterologous insemination). Sperm banks are a promising way for single women and lesbian couples to fulfil their desire to have a child.
Which sperm bank is right for you can be answered individually in consultation with your fertility clinic or directly here at Fertilly. Talk to us!
Costs do not have to be covered alone — Financial support for your fertility treatment
It is possible to apply for state aid for assisted reproduction. The Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) supports childless people in fulfilling their wish to have their own child. The federal initiative “Hilfe und Unterstützung bei ungewollter Kinderlosigkeit” (Help and Support for Involuntary Childlessness) is also specifically dedicated to funding. However, the extent to which the costs of treatment are reimbursed depends on the respective federal state. In general, up to 25 percent of the co-payment for married couples and up to 12.5 percent of the co-payment for non-marital partnerships can be covered for the first three attempts. This refers to the copay after billing the health insurance company.
Remember that certain conditions must be met for pro-rata cost coverage under § 27a SGB V, such as prior medical and psychosocial counseling, or that only the partner’s egg and sperm cells may be used.
There may be restrictions in individual federal states. So that you do not lose your head in the bureaucracy of your wish, we offer you a free and non-binding consultation with our patient advisors in advance.
You can book a free and non-binding appointment here.
You can get these special funding opportunities in Cologne
When selecting our partner clinics, we always pay attention to the highest standards. Our team will be happy to help you in a free consultation appointment.
In addition, the city of Cologne offers you a general consultation opportunity on the subject of family planning. From an unfulfilled desire to have children to the course of pregnancy; all important information can be obtained by telephone or e‑mail.
Married couples benefit from NRW’s excellent funding opportunities. Up to 50% of the co-payment, with a maximum of four treatment attempts, is approved. For unmarried couples, as long as there is a cohabitation, a subsidy of 25% can be expected. This applies only to the first three treatment cycles. Thus, the federal and state governments cover 50% of the co-payment for a fourth treatment. Treatment methods subsidized by the ministry are in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In order for a subsidy to be approved, the conditions of § 27a SGB V must apply.
So far, it is surprising that no financial support is currently offered for same-sex couples in NRW. In view of the social change, it remains to be hoped whether accommodating measures by the federal state for lesbian couples will follow here. We are hopeful that North Rhine-Westphalia will also support female couples in fertility treatment.
Which specific costs health insurance companies will cover depends on the respective health insurance company. Information on this should be obtained from the respective health insurance company in advance. Please note that there must not yet be a signed treatment contract. A treatment contract may only be signed after funding has been approved.
Let’s find out together which benefits apply to you and what your wishes are. Fertilly will support you and your partner during the journey.
Latest info about sperm banks
The prices and costs of a German sperm bank can differ from those of sperm banks abroad, this is mostly due to different pricing models between countries.
We at Fertilly can simply and without obligation explain the costs and answer any question you may have about sperm banks. Our patient advisors will give you a comprehensive insight into this topic and are happy to advise you. Talk to us!
We also cooperate with leading European sperm banks and can offer you certain discounts.
If you are interested in the requirements a sperm donor must meet, what information sperm donors disclose about themselves and how the process of sperm donation works in Germany or abroad, you can read all about it here.
What are important criteria when choosing a fertility centre?
In order to fulfil your desire to have a child, you should choose a fertility clinic that meets your specific requirements and importantly where you feel comfortable. When choosing a clinic, there are a number of aspects to consider to ensure that the therapy goes as smoothly as possible. The success of a therapy depends on various factors. Both the experience and qualifications of the medical team and the technological status of the laboratory equipment (for example, whether the clinic has a clean room laboratory) can have an impact on the success rate.
In addition to the success rate, there are other issues that can be decisive in the selection process. Good counselling on the choice of therapy, as well as personal care and the availability of the doctor can help ensure all your questions and concerns are answered. Hearing from the experiences of previous patients can also give an indication of the quality or shortcomings of a practice, this can also provide a level of confidence during the clinic selection process.
Another aspect are the costs. To avoid surprises, fertility centres that maintain a high degree of price transparency are recommended. In the case of treatments with donor sperm, ensure there is a cooperation between the clinic and an experienced sperm bank, as they often offer a larger selection of donor profiles and have many years of experience in the field of sperm donation.
When selecting our partner clinics, we always make sure that both heterosexual and homosexual couples, as well as single women are treated.
Are you struggling to find a fertility centre that is right for you or do you have questions about available therapies and treatment methods? Our friendly team are happy to help you in a free consultation.
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

fertility advisors