Heidelberg has the lowest birth rates in the state
In the entire state of Baden-Württemberg, birth rates have been declining in recent years. While approximately 109,000 children were still born in the state in 2019, there were already nearly 1,000 fewer babies in 2020. This trend is particularly evident in the city of Heidelberg. Here, each woman gives birth to only 1.06 children on average. In comparison, across Germany there are 1.53 children born per woman.
How couples and singles in Heidelberg fulfil their desire to have children
There are many reasons why pregnancy may not work naturally. In heterosexual couples, medical reasons such as sterility in the man or gynecological diagnoses in the woman usually stand in the way of fulfilling the desire to have children. However, lesbian couples or single women often also have the great desire to raise their own children. The fertility centers in Heidelberg are the first point of contact for this.
Infertility treatments for heterosexual couples
The fertility centers in the university city of Heidelberg offer heterosexual couples the entire spectrum of modern reproductive medicine. From diagnostics and the creation of treatment plans individually tailored to the couple, to insemination (IUI), IVF (in vitro fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).
Infertility treatments for lesbian couples.
Since the summer of 2018, unmarried lesbian couples have also been medically accompanied in Heidelberg in fulfilling their desire to have children. In cooperation with a sperm bank, artificial insemination is performed with donor sperm. Here, too, there is a choice of different methods such as IUI, IVF or ICSI.
Fertility treatments for single women
In the 21st century, not every woman wants to live the classic family model with a husband, a house and a dog. There are more and more women who would like to fulfil their desire to have children without a steady partner at their side. Here, too, the fertility centers in Heidelberg provide support. The only prerequisite: a single woman must have a so-called guarantor person; a trusted person who could take care of the desired child if the worst came to the worst. This could be a best friend, a sister or even a mother. Once this hurdle has been cleared, there is nothing standing in the way of treatment with donor sperm in Heidelberg.
Financial support for couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children in Heidelberg
Fertility treatments can quickly become very expensive. In addition to the treatment costs in the clinics, which are incurred for examinations, anesthesia for puncture, etc., the costs for medication also have an impact. The ICSI method is the most complex and at the same time the most expensive procedure, which can cost up to 5000.00 Euros per attempt. Health insurance companies usually only cover part of the costs for two to four attempts. This usually leaves a high personal contribution of 50% on average. A few health insurance companies cover up to 100% of the costs if a doctor predicts sufficiently high chances of success.
The funding initiative “Help and Support for Involuntary Childlessness”
The Federal Ministry of Family Affairs has launched this support initiative to ensure that couples in Germany do not fail to fulfill their desire to have children due to financial reasons. The funding supports married heterosexual couples — and recently also unmarried couples — with up to 50% of the personal contribution. Each federal state sets its own eligibility criteria for this once again. The share funding does not have to be repaid. Unfortunately, the state of Baden-Württemberg is not yet part of this initiative. Accordingly, no subsidies are currently available to unintentionally childless couples.
What are important criteria when choosing a fertility center?
Family planning may be one of lifes most important questions. If the desire to have a child is not fulfilled naturally, fertility centers can help many couples fulfil this wish. But not every fertility center offers the same treatment methods. In the end, it is also crucial that the couple feels well taken care of. Below we have listed two important factors that you should consider when choosing a suitable fertility center.
Types of treatment
As a rule, fertility centers offer all the classic methods of artificial insemination. However, if you would like to make use of special services, please inform yourself in advance whether the clinic of your choice provides these services.
Qualification and experience
The qualifications and experience of the medical team can affect the success rate as well as how comfortable you feel.
Success rates
Some fertility clinics publish their success rates. This is a good indication of how many couples from Heidelberg have already been helped. But in the end, these rates are average values that say nothing about your personal likelihood of success.
The unfulfilled desire to have children is a very sensitive topic and it is important that you can build up trust with your doctor. Therefore, we recommend that you make an initial appointment for a consultation so that you can get an idea of the atmosphere in the practice yourself. Are you still looking for a suitable fertility center? Then we would be happy to offer you our support in a free and non-binding consultation. Talk to us!
Wir bei Fertilly haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Paare (homo- und heterosexuell) und Singles auf dem Weg zur Erfüllung ihres Kinderwunsches zu begleiten. Dabei ist es uns wichtig Transparenz im Bereich der Angebote zum Thema Kinderwunsch zu schaffen und Dich über Erfolgsraten und Preise zu informieren.
