
Hei­del­berg has the lo­west birth rates in the state

In the en­tire state of Baden-Würt­tem­berg, birth rates have been de­cli­ning in re­cent years. While ap­pro­xi­m­ately 109,000 children were still born in the state in 2019, there were al­ready ne­arly 1,000 fewer ba­bies in 2020. This trend is par­ti­cu­larly evi­dent in the city of Hei­del­berg. Here, each woman gives birth to only 1.06 children on average. In com­pa­rison, across Ger­many there are 1.53 children born per woman.


How cou­ples and sin­gles in Hei­del­berg fulfil their de­sire to have children

There are many re­asons why pregnancy may not work na­tu­rally. In he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples, me­dical re­asons such as ste­ri­lity in the man or gyneco­lo­gical dia­gnoses in the woman usually stand in the way of ful­fil­ling the de­sire to have children. Ho­wever, les­bian cou­ples or single women often also have the great de­sire to raise their own children. The fer­ti­lity cen­ters in Hei­del­berg are the first point of contact for this.

In­fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments for he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples

The fer­ti­lity cen­ters in the uni­ver­sity city of Hei­del­berg offer he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples the en­tire spec­trum of mo­dern re­pro­duc­tive me­di­cine. From dia­gno­stics and the crea­tion of tre­at­ment plans in­di­vi­du­ally tail­ored to the couple, to in­se­mi­na­tion (IUI), IVF (in vitro fer­ti­liza­tion) and ICSI (in­tra­cy­to­plasmic sperm in­jec­tion).

In­fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments for les­bian cou­ples.

Since the summer of 2018, un­mar­ried les­bian cou­ples have also been me­di­cally ac­com­pa­nied in Hei­del­berg in ful­fil­ling their de­sire to have children. In co­ope­ra­tion with a sperm bank, ar­ti­fi­cial in­se­mi­na­tion is per­formed with donor sperm. Here, too, there is a choice of dif­fe­rent me­thods such as IUI, IVF or ICSI.

Fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments for single women

In the 21st cen­tury, not every woman wants to live the classic fa­mily model with a hus­band, a house and a dog. There are more and more women who would like to fulfil their de­sire to have children wi­t­hout a steady partner at their side. Here, too, the fer­ti­lity cen­ters in Hei­del­berg pro­vide sup­port. The only pre­re­qui­site: a single woman must have a so-called gua­rantor person; a trusted person who could take care of the de­sired child if the worst came to the worst. This could be a best friend, a sister or even a mo­ther. Once this hurdle has been cle­ared, there is not­hing stan­ding in the way of tre­at­ment with donor sperm in Hei­del­berg.


Fi­nan­cial sup­port for cou­ples with an unful­filled de­sire to have children in Hei­del­berg

Fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments can quickly be­come very ex­pen­sive. In ad­di­tion to the tre­at­ment costs in the cli­nics, which are in­curred for ex­ami­na­tions, an­es­thesia for punc­ture, etc., the costs for me­di­ca­tion also have an im­pact. The ICSI me­thod is the most com­plex and at the same time the most ex­pen­sive pro­ce­dure, which can cost up to 5000.00 Euros per at­tempt. He­alth insu­rance com­pa­nies usually only cover part of the costs for two to four at­tempts. This usually leaves a high per­sonal con­tri­bu­tion of 50% on average. A few he­alth insu­rance com­pa­nies cover up to 100% of the costs if a doctor pre­dicts suf­fi­ci­ently high chances of suc­cess.

The fun­ding in­itia­tive “Help and Sup­port for In­vol­un­tary Child­less­ness”

The Fe­deral Mi­nistry of Fa­mily Af­fairs has laun­ched this sup­port in­itia­tive to en­sure that cou­ples in Ger­many do not fail to ful­fill their de­sire to have children due to fi­nan­cial re­asons. The fun­ding sup­ports mar­ried he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples — and re­cently also un­mar­ried cou­ples — with up to 50% of the per­sonal con­tri­bu­tion. Each fe­deral state sets its own eli­gi­bi­lity cri­teria for this once again. The share fun­ding does not have to be re­paid. Un­fort­u­na­tely, the state of Baden-Würt­tem­berg is not yet part of this in­itia­tive. Ac­cor­dingly, no sub­si­dies are curr­ently available to un­in­ten­tio­nally child­less cou­ples.

Kri­te­rien bei der Aus­wahl eines Kin­der­wunsch­zen­trums

What are im­portant cri­teria when choo­sing a fer­ti­lity center?

Fa­mily plan­ning may be one of lifes most im­portant ques­tions. If the de­sire to have a child is not ful­filled na­tu­rally, fer­ti­lity cen­ters can help many cou­ples fulfil this wish. But not every fer­ti­lity center of­fers the same tre­at­ment me­thods. In the end, it is also cru­cial that the couple feels well taken care of. Below we have listed two im­portant fac­tors that you should con­sider when choo­sing a sui­table fer­ti­lity center.

Types of tre­at­ment
As a rule, fer­ti­lity cen­ters offer all the classic me­thods of ar­ti­fi­cial in­se­mi­na­tion. Ho­wever, if you would like to make use of spe­cial ser­vices, please in­form yourself in ad­vance whe­ther the clinic of your choice pro­vides these ser­vices.

Qua­li­fi­ca­tion and ex­pe­ri­ence
The qua­li­fi­ca­tions and ex­pe­ri­ence of the me­dical team can af­fect the suc­cess rate as well as how com­for­table you feel.

Suc­cess rates
Some fer­ti­lity cli­nics pu­blish their suc­cess rates. This is a good in­di­ca­tion of how many cou­ples from Hei­del­berg have al­ready been helped. But in the end, these rates are average va­lues that say not­hing about your per­sonal li­keli­hood of suc­cess.

The unful­filled de­sire to have children is a very sen­si­tive topic and it is im­portant that you can build up trust with your doctor. The­r­e­fore, we re­com­mend that you make an in­itial ap­point­ment for a con­sul­ta­tion so that you can get an idea of the at­mo­sphere in the prac­tice yourself. Are you still loo­king for a sui­table fer­ti­lity center? Then we would be happy to offer you our sup­port in a free and non-bin­ding con­sul­ta­tion. Talk to us!


Wir bei Fertilly haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Paare (homo- und heterosexuell) und Singles auf dem Weg zur Erfüllung ihres Kinderwunsches zu begleiten. Dabei ist es uns wichtig Transparenz im Bereich der Angebote zum Thema Kinderwunsch zu schaffen und Dich über Erfolgsraten und Preise zu informieren.

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