What does my fertility treatment cost?
This article explains the costs of fertility treatment, so you can focus less on the financial side and more on the happiness of your upcoming family.
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Statutory health insurance — how much is covered and when?
The costs of fertility treatment (IUI, IVF, ICSI) are an obstacle to family planning for many. High cycle costs with the possibility of needing several cycles can be a considerable burden for expecting parents.
The basic prerequisite for cost coverage is approval of the individual treatment plan by the health insurance fund. This approval is applied for in conjunction with a treatment plan drawn up by the doctor/ fertility centre.
Criteria for the assumption of costs for fertility treatment
Below you will find an overview of the criteria that are also relevant for the health insurance companies.
A registered heterosexual marriage is a prerequisite for the health insurance company to cover the costs of fertility treatment.
Same-sex couples and unmarried women currently have to bear the costs of fertility treatment completely by themselves.
Age is an important criterion when it comes to the question of cost coverage by the statutory health insurance.
The woman must be at least 25 years old & may be a maximum of 40 years old.
The man must be at least 25 years old & may be a maximum of 50 years old.
What proportion of the costs is covered?
The health insurance fund is legally obliged to cover at least 50% of the costs of assisted reproduction.
Since the 50% is a lower limit, there are also differences between the statutory health insurance funds. Depending on the health insurance company, up to 100% of the costs are covered.
How many cycles will my health insurance pay for?
It often takes several cycles of assisted reproduction before the wish for a child comes true. As a rule, the statutory health insurance covers:
- 8 cycles of intrauterine insemination (IUI) without hormonal stimulation.
- 3 cycles of intrauterine insemination (IUI) with hormonal stimulation.
- 3 cycles of IVF or 3 cycles of ICSI.
Some health insurances reimburse the costs for more than three IVF/ICSI attempts.
How many cycles do you usually need? You can find out more about this topic below!
What else is covered by health insurance?
The health insurance only covers costs that are incurred for the treatment of the insured person — but not for the treatment of the partner, which is covered by your own health insurance.
- For women, this includes all gynaecological treatments.
- For men, the insurance usually covers the costs of sperm collection and processing.
In most cases, the costs of the medication for hormone stimulation (1000–1500€) have to be paid by the patient.
If you are not satisfied with the services provided by your health insurance, it is possible to change your health insurance for infertility treatment. It is worthwhile to make an individual comparison of the health insurance companies, their services and the contribution rates.
Financial support from the federal government
Financial support for your fertility treatment from the German government is possible under certain circumstances. Here you will find an overview of the relevant information.
Prerequisites for support
The prerequisite for federal funding is a cooperation agreement with the federal state in which the patient has his or her main residence and also uses a fertility centre.
Currently there are cooperation agreements with:
- Bavaria
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Hesse
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- Lower Saxony
- North Rhine-Westphalia
- Saxony
- Saxony-Anhalt
- Thuringia
In addition to the main residence in a cooperating federal state, the following criteria must be met:
- Medical determination of infertility
- Certified prospect of success of the fertility treatment
- Exclusive use of egg and sperm cells from own partner
- Prior medical and psychosocial counselling
- The woman must be at least 25 and no more than 40 years old.
- The man must be at least 25 and no more than 50 years old.
Since the eligibility guidelines are not uniform for every federal state, there may be additional restrictions in the individual federal states.
It is therefore worth taking a look at the Federal Government’s “Funding Check” — here you can easily determine eligibility for funding and receive further information on how to apply.
What does an IUI cost?
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method of assisted reproduction in which prepared sperm are transferred painlessly into the uterus at the time of ovulation with the help of a thin tube. Ovulation can either be waited for in the natural cycle (non-stimulated IUI) or induced with medication (stimulated IUI).
With intrauterine insemination (IUI), costs of 400–800 euros per cycle can be expected. The final price per cycle depends on the tests performed and the medication required.
The success rate of an IUI cycle is around 10–15%, depending on various factors. These include the age of the woman, the mobility of the sperm and how long the child wish has remained unfulfilled.
What does IVF cost?
In in vitro fertilisation (IVF), eggs and prepared sperm are brought together in a Petri dish under laboratory conditions for fertilisation, this takes place independently due to the preserved sperm motility. The fertilised egg(s) grow in an incubator to be implanted in the uterus at the embryo stage.
In vitro fertilisation costs between 3000–4000 euros per cycle. The final price is determined by the highly varying costs of medications depending on age and the remaining egg reserve. The chosen fertility centre also plays an important role in the pricing.
The success rate of an IVF cycle can be up to 50%, depending on the age of the woman — so several cycles of IVF may be necessary until the wish for a child is fulfilled.
What does ICSI cost?
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) involves injecting a single sperm into the egg under a microscope in the laboratory using a thin needle. This is also the main difference between ICSI and classic IVF treatment.
For ICSI, the woman’s eggs are removed under anaesthetic and the partner’s sperm is prepared before the treatment. After fertilisation of the egg and maturation to the embryo stage, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus.
The most commonly used method of assisted reproduction — one cycle of ICSI costs 4000–6000 Euros. Again, the final price is highly dependent on factors such as the number of eggs retrieved and the medication required.
The success rate of an ICSI cycle is highly dependent on the age of the woman, but can reach up to 50% — again, several cycles may be needed before pregnancy occurs.
How many cycles until pregnancy — what should I expect?
Many different individual factors influence the success of the treatment, so it is not possible to make a general prediction about the likelihood of success.
However, below you will find general statistics on the number of cycles needed until the goal of pregnancy is reached.
- About 80 percent of women become pregnant after three to four cycles of IUI.
- 2 out of 3 women who start IVF before the age of 35 will fulfill their desire to have a child within three IVF cycles.
- Women under the age of 30 have a 44% chance of fulfilling their desire to have a child with their first IVF cycle.
- Women under the age of 30 have a 69% to 92% chance of fulfilling their desire to have a child after seven cycles of IVF.
Private health insurance and fertility treatment
For those with private health insurance, the contract and the benefits it includes are decisive. It is therefore worth going through the insurance contract in detail and, if necessary, consulting the private health insurance company.
You can find more information on the topic of private health insurance in our article “Cost coverage for assisted reproduction”.
Do you have any further questions? We are happy to help you with your questions and concerns about infertility treatment with a free consultation.
About Fertilly
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their child wish. In doing so, it is important to us to create transparency in the area of fertility services, to provide information and knowledge on the topics of pregnancy and fertility and to help you to find the most suitable Fertility Center. Through cooperation with first-class Fertility Centres and clinics in Europe, enquiries about Fertilly are given preferential treatment. This means that our patients avoid the usually long waiting times and get appointments more quickly.
If you would like more information about Fertility Centers, success rates and prices, please contact us using this questionnaire. We will advise you free of charge and without any obligation.
Answer the first questions in the online form in order to book an appointment. This way we can better address your needs during the conversation.
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We will introduce you to the right fertility clinic from our network, make an appointment and accompany you until your wish for a child is fulfilled.
1. https://www.kup.at/kup/pdf/8054.pdf
2. https://www.deutsches-ivf-register.de/jahrbuch.php
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11. https://www.netdoktor.de/kinderwunsch/kuenstliche-befruchtung/iui-intrauterine-insemination/