Bryophyllum: fertility and pregnancy
Often, regular use can help with the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, as the effect of Bryophyllum is similar to that of the hormone progesterone.
What is Bryophyllum and what can it do?
Bryophyllum (lat. “bryophyllum pinnatum”) is a well-known medicinal plant that is mainly used in anthroposophical medicine. Translating the scientific name, it means “sprouting leaf”. A common feature of this versatile plant are the brood buds that grow in the depressions of the leaf margins. The Bryophyllum plant is a member of the thick leaf family and belongs to the genus Kalanchoe. Originally, the brood leaves were native to the islands nation of Madagascar and were mainly found in tropical areas. [1]
Through anthroposophical medicine, Bryophyllum pinnatum was also introduced to Europe and is now also used in conventional medicine. [2]
The herbal medicinal product has very many areas of application and has therefore been used for some time in the traditional medicine of some countries. Bryophyllum is mainly used for pregnancy, high blood pressure, inflammation, restlessness, insomnia and irritable bladder. Various plant acids contained in the extracts (flavonoids, triterepenes, steroids budafienolides) ensure that the active substance has, among other things, labour-inhibiting, anti-allergic, analgesic and sedative effects. Because of its many positive and calming effects, more and more women who want to have children are turning to bryophyllum during or even before pregnancy.
In the following sections you will find out how the active ingredient can help with your desire to have children and during pregnancy.
Bryophyllum before, during and after pregnancy
More and more women with the same desire ask themselves whether Bryophyllum can help with the desire to have children. As with many other medicines or herbal remedies, it should be noted that in the past it has been possible to establish expected values for the success of the effect, but no guarantee of success can be promised. Regular intake can often help with the implantation of a fertilised egg in the uterus, as the effect of Bryophyllum is similar to that of the hormone progesterone. Bryophyllum leafes can also help to relieve inflammation, for example in the uterus, and support healing.
Bryophyllum, also called germ pump, can have the following effects, among others:
- Supporting the implantation of the fertilised ovum
- Strengthening of the uterus
- Increase in basal body temperature -> increased chances of pregnancy
- Prolongation of the second half of the cycle
- Calming effect
- Anti-inflammatory
During pregnancy
For women, Bryophyllum (also called Goethe plant) is not only exciting at the beginning of the childbearing period, but can also be a helpful support during pregnancy. One of the possible complications at the beginning of pregnancies is still the risk of premature labour and the associated risk of premature birth. To treat premature labour, extracts of the Bryophyllum plant have been used in anthroposophic medicine for many decades. [4]
In a clinical study on the efficacy of Bryophyllum, it is shown whether Bryophyllum (50%) can be used as an alternative to the standard therapy with the drug “Nifedipin” for premature labour. [4] Women in one group were given Bryophyllum in tablet form and women in the other group were given the drug nifedipine, which is often used as a tocolytic in conventional medicine.
In both experimental groups, the number of contractions was reduced to a similar extent within four hours after the first examination. No noticeable difference was found between the two groups.
Bryophyllum thus proved to be a suitable herbal alternative to the standard treatment of preterm labour. The risk of preterm labour is increased especially in pregnant women over 40 or under 18. [4]
In this context, age is the most important risk factor of others that may lead to preterm birth. Furthermore, due to the calming properties of the active ingredient, Bryophyllum can also help with fears of childbirth, painful conditions, sleep disorders or inner restlessness. [3]
Helpful during pregnancy:
- Can help with sleep disorders
- Calming effect -> for inner restlessness or fear of childbirth
- Often used as a contraceptive to prevent premature births
- Prevent miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy

After pregnancy
Bryophyllum can also be taken after pregnancy, in cases of failed assisted reproduction, miscarriage or irregular cycles as well as mental stress.
Information on medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding can be found in Embryotox.
Dosage, risks & side effects of Bryophyllum
In general, it is recommended to take Bryophyllum only after consulting a doctor, alternative practitioner or midwife. At the same time, the dosage that is suitable for you individually can be determined. It is important to note that the dosage varies depending on the form in which it is taken. The active ingredient is available in powder form, as tablets, globules, drops and also for injection. For tablets or globules, a different amount should be taken than with Bryophyllum powder. Which form of Bryophyllum is recommended to take depends on the diagnosis and the purpose of the application.
In general, the active ingredient is medically considered to be very well tolerated and therefore rarely leads to hypersensitivity. Side effects are hardly to be expected with Bryophyllum and no negative interactions are known so far.
Alternative support
Besides taking Bryophyllum, there are other alternatives to increase the chances of having a child. Psychological factors and stress play an important role.
To reduce stress, leisure activities with your partner or friends and family can help. You should also make sure you get enough sleep and eat a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, the use of a cycle calendar can be helpful to catch the right time of the fertile days. If you have an irregular cycle, a medical examination is recommended to rule out diseases such as PCOS or endometriosis.
About Fertilly
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their child wish. In doing so, it is important to us to create transparency in the area of fertility services, to provide information and knowledge on the topics of pregnancy and fertility and to help you to find the most suitable Fertility Center. Through cooperation with first-class Fertility Centres and clinics in Europe, enquiries about Fertilly are given preferential treatment. This means that our patients avoid the usually long waiting times and get appointments more quickly.
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2. Die Anwendung von Bryophyllum pinnatum-Präparaten in der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie – eine multizentrische prospektive Beobachtungsstudie. Fürer et al. 2015.
4. Klinische Wirksamkeit, Pharmakologie und Analytik von Bryophyllum pinnatum. Regula Wächter 2011; S. 8–12, 22–30, 106