All information about fertility centers in Berlin
Did you know that the second test-tube baby in Germany (a baby created by assisted reproduction) was born in the GDR? They were twins and they were born on October 5, 1984 in the women’s clinic of the Charité. Incidentally, the first test-tube baby had first seen the light of day in Erlangen.
Since 1984, a lot has happened not only in Berlin, but also in reproductive medicine. If you would like to receive details on modern reproduction methods, our patient advisors will be happy to advise you on your fertility treatment or on the choice of the best fertility clinic for your individual needs. If you are interested in a free and non-binding consultation with one of our personal patient advisors, you can book an appointment here.
The IVF Register Germany alone lists 12 fertility clinics and fertility centers in Berlin. This makes Berlin the German city with the most fertility centers. However, due to the personal nature of an infertility journey it would be difficult to determine whether the best fertility clinic in Germany is amongst these 12 clinics in Berlin. The best fertility treatment would be at the fertility clinic best suited to an individuals, or couples, personal needs.
To find out which fertility center in Germany is the best for you personally, our helpful patient advisors at Fertilly would be happy to advise you free of charge. This can be on any fertility related topic, ranging from the cost of fertility treatment, to when the timing is right to go to a fertility centre, to niche topics such as finding a fertility clinic for same-sex couples in Germany. Our advisors combine expert knowledge with personal empathy, but on top of this they are there for you throughout the process and will also happily act as a listening ear. Here you can easily book a free telephone consultation with them. We work with selected and continuously quality-checked fertility centers and recommend the best center for you personally.
All Information about Childbearing support in Berlin
Berlin is an interesting pioneer within Germany, where a lot has happened recently on the topic of the promotion of assisted reproduction. For example, since July 2021 lesbian couples, having met certain requirements, can apply for state-funding. If you and your partner are unintentionally childless despite your efforts, your common address is within Berlin and you have not yet started treatment, your chances of success are relatively high. Other problems related to fertility, such as endometriosis or PCO syndrome, are also a prerequisite. Additionally, other aspects to consider are age, psychosocial counseling and the like.
Another group that benefits from the new legislation are non-marital cohabiting couples, i.e. unmarried couples. It should be noted that the subsidy can only be claimed for second and third attempts. Hence, the first attempt is not part of the subsidy. The treatments supported here are limited to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). It should be noted, however, that as of July 2021, both of these treatments are no longer supported by the federal government if foreign sperm donation is part of the treatment.
An IVF cost coverage of the Kinderwunsch funding is limited to a maximum of 800,00€.
ICSI costs are covered by the fertility grant up to a maximum of 900,00€.
If you would like to receive a free and non-binding consultation on one of these topics from our patient advisors, you can book an appointment here.
You can also fill out the Berlin online form for assisted reproduction here.
All information about sperm banks in Berlin
In addition to the internationally established European sperm banks, there are also two local Berlin sperm banks. As such, Berlin also has the most sperm banks in Germany.
Berlin sperm banks are also particularly popular among singles, because they allow sperm donation for single women. This is not always the case across Germany. It is also important to be aware of the varying costs between sperm banks in Berlin and those of sperm banks abroad, this is usually due to different pricing models between countries. We at Fertilly can simply, and in a non-binding way, explain these costs to you and other important factors to consider. Our friendly patient advisors at Fertilly have extensive experience in this and many other areas, and are happy to advise you. Fertilly also cooperates with leading European sperm banks and can offer you significant discounts, reducing your costs for assisted reproduction.
If you are interested in the requirements a sperm donor must meet, what information sperm donors disclose about themselves and how the process of sperm donation in Germany works, you can read all about it here.
What are important criteria when choosing a fertility centre?
In order to fulfil your desire to have a child, you should choose a fertility clinic that meets your specific requirements and importantly where you feel comfortable. When choosing a clinic, there are a number of aspects to consider to ensure that the therapy goes as smoothly as possible. The success of a therapy depends on various factors. Both the experience and qualifications of the medical team and the technological status of the laboratory equipment (for example, whether the clinic has a clean room laboratory) can have an impact on the success rate.
In addition to the success rate, there are other issues that can be decisive in the selection process. Good counselling on the choice of therapy, as well as personal care and the availability of the doctor can help reduce personal concerns and ensure no questions go unanswered. To instil personal confidence in the process, hearing the experiences of previous patients can also give an indication of the quality or shortcomings of a practice.
Another aspect to consider are the costs. To avoid surprises, fertility centers that maintain a high degree of price transparency are recommended. In the case of treatments with donor sperm, it is recommended that there is a cooperation between clinics and an experienced sperm bank, as they often offer a larger selection of donor profiles and have many years of experience in the field of sperm donation.
When selecting our partner clinics, we ensure that both heterosexual and homosexual couples as well as single women are treated.
Are you struggling to find a fertility centre that is right for you or do you have questions about available therapies and treatment methods? Our friendly team are happy to assist and answer any questions you might have in a free consultation.
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

fertility advisors