Bielefeld is currently experiencing a baby boom
The city of Bielefeld is currently experiencing a birth boom. While 3780 children were born in Bielefeld’s hospital in 2010, this figure had already risen to 4477 by 2020. Some of these births were conceived with the help of assisted reproduction.
Fertility Centers for Couples and Singles In Bielefeld
Whether you are a heterosexual or lesbian couple or a single mother, there are two fertility centers in Bielefeld that offer a wide range of treatments.
How to find a suitable fertility center near you
Which of the fertility centers is right for your individual requirements depends on various factors. The fertility centre should offer the treatment that suits you best. However, it is equally important that you have confidence in the clinic and the doctor treating you. In an initial consultation you can get an idea of what the atmosphere is like and whether you feel comfortable there.
We will help you find your fertility clinic in Bielefeld
Are you currently looking for a fertility centre that can support you to fulfil your desire to have a child? Then we are happy to assist you in your search for a suitable clinic free of charge. Simply contact us free of charge and without complications.
North Rhine-Westphalia provides financial support for couples wishing to have children
Infertility treatments are not only a physical and emotional burden for the couples concerned, but also a financial one. The costs depend, among other things, on the choice of treatment method, the required medication and also the clinic, which charge different prices for their medical services.
Support from the statutory health insurance funds
Statutory health insurers usually only support married, heterosexual couples by covering 50% of the costs for the first three to four attempts. Although, some insurance companies even cover up to 100%. To be eligible for this support, the following conditions must be met:
- the woman is between 25 and under 40 years old
- the man is under 50 years old
- the couple is married
The freezing of eggs and sperm is only covered if there are serious illnesses with a planned germ cell damaging therapy.
Federal program for the promotion of assisted reproduction measures
The federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia participates in the state-wide support program, which guarantees couples financial assistance during treatment for infertility. The funding applies to both married and unmarried couples whose primary residence is in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, the IVF or ICSI attempts must be carried out in a fertility center in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Funding is provided for a total of four treatments, provided that the doctor treating the patient sees a chance of success.
How much funding is available for couples wishing to have children in Bielefeld?
The amount of funding differs between married and unmarried couples.
Support for married couples
Married couples who wish to have a child receive 50% of their own contribution, which remains after deduction of the health insurance contribution. This means that they only have to pay 25% of the total costs from their own funds.
Support for unmarried couples
Unmarried couples must live in a stable partnership in order to receive federal and state support. They receive 25% of their own contribution for the first to third attempt. For a possible fourth attempt, 50% of the personal contribution is covered. In addition, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia provides a lump sum of 270.00 euros for each of the first three attempts.
The couples concerned can apply for the subsidy very easily via an online application.
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

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