Baby Boom Bie­le­feld

Bie­le­feld is curr­ently ex­pe­ri­en­cing a baby boom

The city of Bie­le­feld is curr­ently ex­pe­ri­en­cing a birth boom. While 3780 children were born in Bie­le­feld’s hos­pital in 2010, this fi­gure had al­ready risen to 4477 by 2020. Some of these births were con­ceived with the help of as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion.

Fer­ti­lity cen­ters in Bie­le­feld

Fer­ti­lity Cen­ters for Cou­ples and Sin­gles In Bie­le­feld

Whe­ther you are a he­te­ro­se­xual or les­bian couple or a single mo­ther, there are two fer­ti­lity cen­ters in Bie­le­feld that offer a wide range of tre­at­ments.

How to find a sui­table fer­ti­lity center near you

Which of the fer­ti­lity cen­ters is right for your in­di­vi­dual re­qui­re­ments de­pends on va­rious fac­tors. The fer­ti­lity centre should offer the tre­at­ment that suits you best. Ho­wever, it is equally im­portant that you have con­fi­dence in the clinic and the doctor trea­ting you. In an in­itial con­sul­ta­tion you can get an idea of what the at­mo­sphere is like and whe­ther you feel com­for­table there.

We will help you find your fer­ti­lity clinic in Bie­le­feld

Are you curr­ently loo­king for a fer­ti­lity centre that can sup­port you to fulfil your de­sire to have a child? Then we are happy to as­sist you in your search for a sui­table clinic free of charge. Simply contact us free of charge and wi­t­hout com­pli­ca­tions.


North Rhine-West­phalia pro­vides fi­nan­cial sup­port for cou­ples wis­hing to have children

In­fer­ti­lity tre­at­ments are not only a phy­sical and emo­tional burden for the cou­ples con­cerned, but also a fi­nan­cial one. The costs de­pend, among other things, on the choice of tre­at­ment me­thod, the re­quired me­di­ca­tion and also the clinic, which charge dif­fe­rent prices for their me­dical ser­vices.

Sup­port from the sta­tu­tory he­alth insu­rance funds

Sta­tu­tory he­alth insu­rers usually only sup­port mar­ried, he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples by co­ve­ring 50% of the costs for the first three to four at­tempts. Alt­hough, some insu­rance com­pa­nies even cover up to 100%. To be eli­gible for this sup­port, the fol­lo­wing con­di­tions must be met:

  • the woman is bet­ween 25 and under 40 years old
  • the man is under 50 years old
  • the couple is mar­ried

The free­zing of eggs and sperm is only co­vered if there are se­rious ill­nesses with a planned germ cell da­ma­ging the­rapy.

Fe­deral pro­gram for the pro­mo­tion of as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion me­a­sures

The fe­deral state of North Rhine-West­phalia par­ti­ci­pates in the state-wide sup­port pro­gram, which gua­ran­tees cou­ples fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance du­ring tre­at­ment for in­fer­ti­lity. The fun­ding ap­plies to both mar­ried and un­mar­ried cou­ples whose pri­mary re­si­dence is in North Rhine-West­phalia. In ad­di­tion, the IVF or ICSI at­tempts must be car­ried out in a fer­ti­lity center in the state of North Rhine-West­phalia. Fun­ding is pro­vided for a total of four tre­at­ments, pro­vided that the doctor trea­ting the pa­tient sees a chance of suc­cess.

How much fun­ding is available for cou­ples wis­hing to have children in Bie­le­feld?
The amount of fun­ding dif­fers bet­ween mar­ried and un­mar­ried cou­ples.

Sup­port for mar­ried cou­ples

Mar­ried cou­ples who wish to have a child re­ceive 50% of their own con­tri­bu­tion, which re­mains after de­duc­tion of the he­alth insu­rance con­tri­bu­tion. This means that they only have to pay 25% of the total costs from their own funds.

Sup­port for un­mar­ried cou­ples

Un­mar­ried cou­ples must live in a stable part­ner­ship in order to re­ceive fe­deral and state sup­port. They re­ceive 25% of their own con­tri­bu­tion for the first to third at­tempt. For a pos­sible fourth at­tempt, 50% of the per­sonal con­tri­bu­tion is co­vered. In ad­di­tion, the state of North Rhine-West­phalia pro­vides a lump sum of 270.00 euros for each of the first three at­tempts.

The cou­ples con­cerned can apply for the sub­sidy very ea­sily via an on­line ap­pli­ca­tion.


At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

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