All information about fertility centers in Bremen
The following treatments are offered by the Fertility Center:
Natural cycle insemination
In this fertility treatment, the woman’s cycle is closely monitored to predict the time of ovulation. By avoiding hormone preparations, this form of assisted reproduction is particularly gentle. However, it is only advisable if the woman has a regular cycle.
Insemination with hormone administration
In most cases, the doctors at the Fertility Center in Bremen recommend insemination with hormone stimulation. The advantage is that the time of ovulation is exactly predicted or triggered under hormone administration. Therefore, there is no risk of missing the time of ovulation.
In IVF treatment, women with an unfulfilled desire to have children take hormones to trigger ovulation at a specific time. Under brief anesthesia, the eggs are retrieved and placed in a petri dish along with the man’s sperm. The egg and sperm then find their way together independently and without external influence.
ICSI treatment initially proceeds in the same way as IVF treatment, the difference being that the sperm cells are inserted into the egg in the laboratory using a special injection needle. This procedure is mostly used in case of insufficient sperm quality.
Patients may also opt for sperm donation, this may be necessary for lesbian couples wanting to fulfil their desire to have a child, or heterosexual couples where the sperm quality of the man is not sufficient for successful fertility treatment. Fertility clinics often cooperate with other sperm banks from Germany and abroad.
What does your fertility treatment in Bremen cost?
The cost of fertility treatment is dependent on various factors. The first of which is the choice of treatment method, for example, the cost of insemination is much lower than the cost of IVF and ICSI. The cost of insemination for couples with health insurance can vary between 400 and 800 euros. Whilst, ICSI is the most expensive method of assisted reproduction and together with the necessary medication, couples can expect costs of up to 6000 euros.
Is there any support for the desire to have children in Bremen?
In November 2021, the Bremen Senate expanded support for couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children. While nationwide only married and heterosexual couples can seek state-funded support to fulfil their desire to have a child, Bremen now also supports unmarried and same-sex couples. This pioneering role Bremen are playing will provide considerable relief for involuntarily childless couples. To date, most health insurance companies covered a maximum of 50% of the treatment costs for up to three IVF cycles. A total of 80,000 euros is available to the state of Bremen as additional funding. The subsidy covers 50% of the co-payment that couples have to make. However, certain prerequisites for the subsidy need to be met, these being: a certified prospect of success of the fertility treatment and a medical determination of infertility
What are important criteria when choosing a fertility centre?
In order to fulfil your desire to have a child, you should choose a fertility clinic that meets your specific requirements and importantly where you feel comfortable. When choosing a clinic, there are a number of aspects to consider to ensure that the therapy goes as smoothly as possible. The success of a therapy depends on various factors. Both the experience and qualifications of the medical team and the technological status of the laboratory equipment (for example, whether the clinic has a clean room laboratory) can have an impact on the success rate.
In addition to the success rate, there are other issues that can be decisive in the selection process. Good counselling on the choice of therapy, as well as personal care and the availability of the doctor can help reduce personal concerns and ensure no questions go unanswered. To instil personal confidence in the process, hearing the experiences of previous patients can also give an indication of the quality or shortcomings of a practice.
Another aspect to consider are the costs. To avoid surprises, fertility centers that maintain a high degree of price transparency are recommended. In the case of treatments with donor sperm, it is recommended that there is a cooperation between clinics and an experienced sperm bank, as they often offer a larger selection of donor profiles and have many years of experience in the field of sperm donation.
During our partner clinic selection process, we ensure that both heterosexual and homosexual couples as well as single women are treated in the respective clinics.
Are you struggling to find a fertility centre that is right for you or do you have questions about available therapies and treatment methods? Our friendly team are happy to assist and answer any questions you might have in a free consultation.
At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

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