Sperm Test

The At-Home Sperm Test gives you an in­sight into your fer­ti­lity and the qua­lity of your sperm — all from the com­fort of your own home via an app. Th­rough in­ten­sive re­se­arch and cli­nical stu­dies, the test of­fers you re­sults of si­milar qua­lity to an ex­ami­na­tion by your doctor and is the­r­e­fore more re­liable than other at-home sperm tests.
  • Ana­lysis of eja­cu­late vo­lume
  • Ana­lysis of sperm con­cen­tra­tion in the eja­cu­late (mil­lions / ml)
  • Ana­lysis of the moti­lity (mo­bi­lity) of your sperm (in %)
  • Ana­lysis of the ab­so­lute number of motile sperm (in mil­lions)
  • In­clu­ding: re­com­men­da­tions for im­pro­ving your sperm qua­lity and op­tional life­style pro­grammes
The At-Home Sperm Test gives you an in­sight into your fer­ti­lity and the qua­lity of your sperm — all from the com­fort of your own home via an app. Th­rough in­ten­sive re­se­arch and cli­nical stu­dies, the test of­fers you re­sults of si­milar qua­lity to an ex­ami­na­tion by your doctor and is the­r­e­fore more re­liable than other at-home sperm tests.
  • Ana­lysis of eja­cu­late vo­lume
  • Ana­lysis of the sperm con­cen­tra­tion in the eja­cu­late (mil­lions / ml)
  • Ana­lysis of the moti­lity (mo­bi­lity) of your sperm (in %)
  • Ana­lysis of the ab­so­lute number of motile sperm (in mil­lions)
  • In­clu­ding: re­com­men­da­tions for im­pro­ving your sperm qua­lity and op­tional life­style pro­grammes

79.00 €

79.00 €

Fast & free


Dis­creet &
Un­marked pack­a­ging

Re­turn free of charge

How the sperm test works


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Qualität prüfen

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Increase your fertility

In­crease your fer­ti­lity


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Qualität prüfen

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Increase your fertility

In­crease your fer­ti­lity

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At-Home Spermientest - Fertilly
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How we me­a­sure your sperm

The Ex­Seed Home Sperm Test me­a­sures the total number of motile sperm. This is the total amount of sperm mo­ving for­ward per eja­cu­late. This number is one of the best pre­dic­tors of male fer­ti­lity in men be­cause it me­a­sures the number of sperm that reach the egg after se­xual in­ter­course. The number is made up of three me­a­su­re­ments: Vo­lume, con­cen­tra­tion and moti­lity.
table results


Semen vo­lume is the total amount of eja­cu­lated fluid. A normal vo­lume is more than 1.5 ml. A smaller vo­lume is called hy­po­spermia and can be caused, for ex­ample, by hor­monal dis­or­ders or a blockage of the vas de­fe­rens.



Sperm con­cen­tra­tion is a me­a­sure of how many sperm cells are con­tained in one mil­li­litre of semen. A normal con­cen­tra­tion is over 15 mil­lion sperm cells per mil­li­litre. If there are fewer than 15 mil­lion sperm per mil­li­litre, it is called oli­gospermia, and if there are no sperm at all, it is called azoo­spermia.



Sperm moti­lity is the for­ward mo­ve­ment of sperm. In order for a sperm to fer­ti­lise the egg, it must move quickly th­rough the fe­male re­pro­duc­tive system, which re­quires a strong for­ward swim­ming mo­tion. Our al­go­rithm tracks for­ward moti­lity, also known as pro­gres­sive moti­lity. Normal moti­lity is pre­sent when there is more than 32% of mo­ving sperm, below this is called asthe­no­zoo­spermia.

Androids Devices

Take con­trol of your fer­ti­lity

Im­pro­ving your sperm he­alth in­creases your chances of con­cep­tion. Ex­Seed de­ter­mines your overall sperm he­alth and shows you the steps to im­prove your fer­ti­lity.
Medizinisch zertifiziert

>95% ac­cu­racy
Our CE-cer­ti­fied de­vice and app give you sperm he­alth re­sults quickly and with over 95% ac­cu­racy.

Medizinisch zertifiziert

Re­sult in 15min
The tests come in a dis­creet package and take only 15 mi­nutes to get re­sults.

Medizinisch zertifiziert

Per­so­na­lised pro­gram
The app in­cludes a per­so­na­lised life­style in­ter­ven­tion pro­gramme that gives you va­luable tips to im­prove your sperm he­alth — re­gard­less of the out­come.

Medizinisch zertifiziert

Che­cked by fer­ti­lity ex­perts
Each and every test is ma­nu­ally re­viewed by fer­ti­lity ex­perts to en­sure the hig­hest pos­sible ac­cu­racy. Our team will also answer any ques­tions you may have to guide you along the way.