Pro­ce­dure fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment

What is the pro­ce­dure for fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment at a fer­ti­lity center in Münster?

In­fer­ti­lity is de­fined as not fal­ling pregnant (on fer­tile days) even after a year of un­pro­tected and re­gular se­xual in­ter­course. At this point, cou­ples should seek help from their gyneco­lo­gist or go di­rectly to a fer­ti­lity center. Cou­ples in which the woman is al­ready over 35 years old should only wait for about 6 months, as fer­ti­lity le­vels usually de­cline more ra­pidly from this point on.

The first point of contact in the event of an unful­filled de­sire to have a child

If the longed-for pregnancy does not ma­te­ria­lize, the first person to contact is the gyneco­lo­gist. As a rule, rou­tine ex­ami­na­tions are car­ried out to de­tect ab­nor­ma­li­ties in the uterus, ova­ries and fallo­pian tubes. Hor­mone checks can also pro­vide in­itial in­di­ca­tions to the cause of the un­wanted child­less­ness. In par­allel, the man can pre­sent himself to a uro­lo­gist and have ap­pro­priate ex­ami­na­tions per­formed. A sper­mio­gram de­ter­mines the number of intact sperm cells and their moti­lity.

First steps of in­fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment

De­pen­ding on what in­itial ex­ami­na­tions have reve­aled, cycle ob­ser­va­tions are often per­formed, ac­com­pa­nied by an ul­tra­sound and blood tests. In this way, the exact time of ovu­la­tion can be de­ter­mined, thereby in­cre­asing the chances of a na­tural pregnancy. If hor­monal im­ba­lances are de­tected du­ring cycle mo­ni­to­ring, then coun­ter­me­a­sures can be taken by ta­king me­di­ca­tion. Even if as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion is to be per­formed, it is im­portant to first es­tab­lish a ba­lanced hor­mone level.

as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion in Münster

If the tre­at­ment op­tions in the gyneco­lo­gist’s of­fice are ex­hausted, the next step is re­ferral to a fer­ti­lity center.

The fer­ti­lity cen­ters offer the fol­lo­wing tre­at­ments

In­trau­te­rine in­se­mi­na­tion (IUI)

In this mi­ni­mally in­va­sive form of as­sisted re­pro­duc­tion, sperm (from the partner or donor sperm) is trans­ferred into the wo­man’s uterus. Hor­monal sti­mu­la­tion is often given be­fore­hand to in­crease the chances of suc­cess.

In vitro fer­ti­liza­tion (IVF)

After hor­mone tre­at­ment, ma­ture eggs are re­moved from the woman under brief an­es­thesia and mixed with the man’s sperm in a test tube. If fer­ti­liza­tion oc­curs, the em­bryo is trans­ferred back into the wo­man’s uterus.

In­tra­cy­to­plasmic sperm in­jec­tion (ICSI)

This me­thod is mostly used when the sperm qua­lity of the man is not suf­fi­cient for IVF tre­at­ment. After the eggs are coll­ected, the single sperm cell is in­jected di­rectly into the egg. Up to three em­bryos can and may be sub­se­quently placed back into the uterus.


Is there any state aid for cou­ples in Münster who want to have children?

Many German states now con­tri­bute to the costs in­curred by cou­ples with an unful­filled de­sire to have children. Tre­at­ments costs and me­di­ca­tion for a single ICSI cycle alone, can cost up to 5000 euros. The sta­tu­tory he­alth insu­rance com­pa­nies con­tri­bute 50% for the first three to four at­tempts. For the re­mai­ning share, the fe­deral state of North Rhine-West­phalia of­fers the fe­deral in­itia­tive “Help and Sup­port for In­vol­un­tary Child­less­ness”. Both mar­ried and un­mar­ried cou­ples in a stable part­ner­ship can apply for this sup­port.

In the case of mar­ried cou­ples, an ad­di­tional 50% of the co-pay­ment is co­vered after de­duc­tion of the he­alth insu­rance be­nefit. For un­mar­ried cou­ples, slightly dif­fe­rent re­gu­la­tions apply. They re­ceive 25% of the co-pay­ment for the first to third at­tempt and even 50% of the co-pay­ment for a ne­ces­sary fourth at­tempt. In ad­di­tion, the state of North Rhine-West­phalia gives each un­mar­ried couple a lump sum of 270.00 euros for each of the first three at­tempts to ful­fill their de­sire to have a child.

Are you en­titled to sup­port? The sup­port check

The re­qui­re­ments and fun­ding op­tions vary from state to state. The Fe­deral Mi­nistry for Fa­mily Af­fairs, Se­nior Ci­ti­zens, Women and Youth has made a fun­ding check available to help you find your way th­rough the jungle of in­di­vi­dual fun­ding cri­teria. Based on eleven ques­tions, you can ea­sily find out whe­ther you are eli­gible for fun­ding and, if so, which fun­ding you are en­titled to.


At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

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