Ulm has also made a name for itself as a city of sci­ence, not least thanks to its uni­ver­sity, which is also the ci­ty’s lar­gest em­ployer. Around 126,000 people from over 140 dif­fe­rent na­tions now live in the ca­the­dral city. Not even every se­cond Ulm re­si­dent was born here.

Fer­ti­lity tre­at­ment in Ulm

Key­word “births”: Here too, the signs are poin­ting to growth.

Ac­cor­ding to fi­gures from the State Sta­tis­tical Of­fice in Stutt­gart, the birth rate in Baden-Würt­tem­berg in March 2021 in­creased by 8 per­cent com­pared to March of the pre­vious year, with 9330 ba­bies.

And yet: every sixth woman who wants to have a child cannot get pregnant na­tu­rally. This is ac­cor­ding to the ye­ar­book of the German IVF Re­gistry for 2020, which has coll­ected data from al­most all German fer­ti­lity cen­ters. So what can you do if you live in Ulm and are in­vol­un­t­a­rily child­less?

This is how you find your fer­ti­lity clinic in Ulm

An unful­filled de­sire to have children con­fronts many sin­gles and cou­ples, whe­ther he­te­ro­se­xual or ho­mo­se­xual, with great chal­lenges. Not in­fre­quently, the psy­cho­lo­gical stress in­creases when, de­spite all ac­ti­vi­ties, the off­spring does not want to ap­pear. Ho­wever, if you live in Ulm, your wish to have a child is in good hands. There are se­veral fer­ti­lity cen­ters wai­ting to give you the best pos­sible sup­port with all their strength and in­no­va­tive tre­at­ment op­tions.

A sperm do­na­tion is often the de­cisive step for he­te­ro­se­xual cou­ples when the man is in­fer­tile. Ho­wever, ho­mo­se­xual cou­ples or sin­gles who wish to have children also be­nefit from sperm do­na­tion and can often fulfil their long-che­rished wish to have children. If you would like a com­pre­hen­sive con­sul­ta­tion on sperm do­na­tion, or on other me­thods of re­pro­duc­tion such as IVF or so­cial free­zing, make a free ap­point­ment with one of our pa­tient ad­vi­sors. We will ac­com­pany you from the wish to have a child to the pregnancy.

Is there any state aid for cou­ples in Ulm who want to have children?

For the city of Ulm, the re­gu­la­tions of the state of Baden-Würt­tem­berg apply. Un­fort­u­na­tely, there is no state aid here so far. The fe­deral in­itia­tive “Hilfe und Un­ter­stüt­zung bei un­ge­wollter Kin­der­lo­sig­keit” (Help and Sup­port for Un­wanted Child­less­ness) does exist, which pro­vides cou­ples with fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance in ful­fil­ling their de­sire to have children. So far, eleven states, in­clu­ding Ba­varia, Berlin, North Rhine-West­phalia and Rhi­ne­land-Pa­la­ti­nate, have joined the in­itia­tive. Baden-Würt­tem­berg has not yet joined. Ho­wever, it is wort­hwhile to ob­tain up-to-date in­for­ma­tion, be­cause there is hope that the state will soon re­ceive state aid.

Many he­alth insu­rance com­pa­nies, ho­wever con­tri­bute to the costs on the journey to the de­sired baby. The­r­e­fore, ask your he­alth insu­rance com­pany to what extent they will sup­port you fi­nan­ci­ally.

What are im­portant cri­teria when choo­sing a fer­ti­lity centre?

In order to fulfil your de­sire to have a child, you should choose a fer­ti­lity clinic that meets your spe­cific re­qui­re­ments and im­portantly where you feel com­for­table. When choo­sing a clinic, there are a number of aspects to con­sider to en­sure that the the­rapy goes as smoothly as pos­sible. The suc­cess of a the­rapy de­pends on va­rious fac­tors. Both the ex­pe­ri­ence and qua­li­fi­ca­tions of the me­dical team and the tech­no­lo­gical status of the la­bo­ra­tory equip­ment (for ex­ample, whe­ther the clinic has a clean room la­bo­ra­tory) can have an im­pact on the suc­cess rate.

In ad­di­tion to the suc­cess rate, there are other is­sues that can be de­cisive in the sel­ec­tion pro­cess. Good coun­sel­ling on the choice of the­rapy, as well as per­sonal care and the avai­la­bi­lity of the doctor can help en­sure all your ques­tions and con­cerns are ans­wered. Hea­ring the ex­pe­ri­ences of pre­vious pa­ti­ents can also give an in­di­ca­tion of the qua­lity or short­co­mings of a prac­tice, this can also pro­vide you with a level of con­fi­dence du­ring the clinic sel­ec­tion pro­cess.

An­o­ther aspect to con­sider are the costs. To avoid sur­prises, fer­ti­lity cen­tres that main­tain a high de­gree of price trans­pa­rency are re­com­mended. In the case of tre­at­ments with donor sperm, en­sure there is a co­ope­ra­tion bet­ween the clinic and an ex­pe­ri­enced sperm bank, as they often offer a larger sel­ec­tion of donor pro­files and have many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the field of sperm do­na­tion.

When sel­ec­ting our partner cli­nics, we al­ways make sure that both he­te­ro­se­xual and ho­mo­se­xual cou­ples, as well as single women are treated.
Are you strugg­ling to find a fer­ti­lity centre that is right for you or do you have ques­tions about available the­ra­pies and tre­at­ment me­thods? Our fri­endly team are happy to help you in a free con­sul­ta­tion.


At Fertilly, we have made it our mission to accompany couples (homosexual and heterosexual) and singles on the way to fulfilling their desire to have a child. It is important to us to create transparency in the area of family planning and to inform you about success rates and prices.

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